Working Papers

The DDI Working Paper Series (ISSN 2153-8247) is intended as a dynamic publication avenue for authors working in the DDI space. Currently, the series includes papers on new and emerging themes as well as papers on best practices and use case literature.

If you are interested in publishing a paper to be part of the DDI Working Paper Series, please contact the DDI Alliance Director.

An Archive's Perspective on DDI 3

By Kleemola, Mari, Michelle Edwards, Sanda Ionescu, Uwe Jensen, Olof Olsson, Ornulf Risnes, and Wendy Thomas.
This paper describes the DDI 3 evaluation process at the Finnish Social Science Data Archive (FSD), and the issues that came up during this work, including how to address multilinguality and metadata reuse.

Questasy: Documenting and Disseminating Longitudinal Data Online Using DDI 3

By Amin, Alerk, Michelle Edwards, Oliver Hopt, Jannik Jensen, Dan Kristiansen, Olof Olsson, and Joachim Wackerow.
This paper describes how Questasy, a Web application developed to manage the dissemination of data and metadata for panel surveys, was designed and implemented.

Building a Modular DDI 3 Editor

By Jensen, Jannik, Dan Kristiansen, Alerk Amin, Arofan Gregory, Agostina Martinez, Martin Mechtel, Mary Vardigan, and Wolfgang Zenk-Mレltgen.
This paper focuses on the creation of an open source DDI 3 editor built using a layered architecture at the Danish Data Archive (DDA).

Using DDI 3 for Comparison

By Ionescu, Sanda, Larry Hoyle, Mari Kleemola, Martin Mechtel, Olof Olsson, and Wendy Thomas.
This paper explores how archives can use DDI 3 to support and document data comparison and harmonization.

Extracting Metadata From the Data Analysis Workflow

By Hoyle, Larry, Joachim Wackerow, and Oliver Hopt.
This paper is an exploration of what metadata can be harvested from several commonly used programs, and therefore by deduction what else is not available from these programs.

Questionnaire Management and DDI: The QDDS Case

By Hopt, Oliver, Alerk Amin, Arofan Gregory, Jannik Jensen, Dan Kristiansen, and Mary Vardigan.
This paper describes the Questionnaire Development Documentation project, a system created by GESIS Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences to permit permanent electronic documentation of questionnaire development and the final state of the instrument.

Grouping of Survey Series Using DDI 3

By Jensen, Uwe, Sanda Ionescu, Mari Kleemola, Agostina Martinez, Wendy Thomas, Mary Vardigan, and Wolfgang Zenk-Moltgen.
This paper is an exploration and evaluation of DDI 3 to determine its suitability for marking up and managing cross-national comparative surveys like the International Social Survey Programme data.