Working Papers

The DDI Working Paper Series (ISSN 2153-8247) is intended as a dynamic publication avenue for authors working in the DDI space. Currently, the series includes papers on new and emerging themes as well as papers on best practices and use case literature.

If you are interested in publishing a paper to be part of the DDI Working Paper Series, please contact the DDI Alliance Director.

Scenarios for the DDI-RDF Discovery Vocabulary

By Vompras, Johanna, Arofan Gregory, Thomas Bosch, Joachim Wackerow. 2015
In this paper, the authors introduce representative real world scenarios that show (1) the usage and importance of the DDI-RDF Discovery Vocabulary for the social, behavioural, and economic sciences and the Linked Data community and (2) the interaction between Disco and other vocabularies. These scenarios have in common that they represent real information needs of researchers. The Disco specification itself contains example data which can be consulted to get details of how to construct Disco instance data and to get a feeling of the full potential of Disco to represent metadata on statistical data.

Using RDF to Describe and Link Social Science Data to Related Resources on the Web: Leveraging the Data Documentation Initiative (DDI) Model

By Kramer, Stefan, Amber Leahey, Humphrey Southall, Johanna Vompras, and Joachim Wackerow.
This paper looks at leveraging DDI to enable semantic linking of social science data to other data and related resources on the Web and is organized into five use cases: (1) Linking related publications; (2) Linking people and organizations; (3) Linking geography; (4) Linking related studies; (5) Linking to licenses.