XKOS – Extended Knowledge Organization System
XKOS extends Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS) for the needs of statistical classifications. It does so in two main directions. First, it defines a number of terms that enable the representation of statistical classifications with their structure and textual properties, as well as the relations between classifications. Second, it refines SKOS semantic properties to allow the use of more specific relations between concepts. Those specific relations can be used for the representation of classifications or for any other case where SKOS is employed. XKOS adds the extensions that are desirable to meet the requirements of the statistical community.
Supports Activities:
- Publication of statistical classifications for within- or between-agency reuse
- Management of statistical classification terms, lists, families, and collections over tim
Version 1.0 [current version]
Publication date: 2019-05-01 Update: 2022-02-17
- RDF Turtle file
- RDF namespace: http://rdf-vocabulary.ddialliance.org/xkos#
- Field Level Documentation
Initial release of XKOS updated on 2022-02-17. HTML anchors were added in the vocabulary summary table so that terms could be referenced from outside documents (see commit d59ed90).