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Learn about the many ways you can join this welcoming and diverse group of individuals and organizations across the globe!

Member List

View the list of DDI Alliance member organizations, along with representatives for each organization.

How to Join

As a self-sustaining membership organization supporting the creation and development of the DDI specification, the DDI Alliance welcomes new members!

Promoting DDI

Access DDI Alliance logo and marketing materials, including logos, handouts, brochures, and QR codes.

Annual Meetings

The DDI Alliance holds two annual meetings each calendar year. The Annual Meeting of Members is the Alliance's annual business meeting. The Annual Meeting of the Scientific Community reports on the activities of the Scientific Board to the DDI Scientific Community.

Working Groups & Committees

Read about the different working groups advising the Executive and Scientific Boards on topics and activities relevant to the development of DDI.

Funding Guidelines and Request Form

DDI community members may request funding support from the DDI Alliance. Anyone may submit a funding request. Requests should explain the purpose of the request, how it aligns with the Alliance's strategic goals, and include an itemized budget for the funding request.

DDI Collaboration Wiki

The DDI Collaboration Wiki hosts documentation for the committees, groups, and projects of the DDI Alliance.

Subscribe to DDI Mailing Lists

DDI mailing lists allow people who are interested in the development and implementation of the DDI specification to communicate with each other and with the committee that is guiding the development of the specification.