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European DDI (EDDI) Conference 

The EDDI conference is held towards the end of the year in rotating European cities. It is run by GESIS and the IDSC of IZA under the auspices of the DDI Alliance.  EDDI is designed to provide forum where DDI users from Europe and the world can gather to showcase their work and their progress toward DDI adoption, as well as discuss any questions or challenges they may have about the standard. EDDI includes presentations, poster sessions, and discussion sessions. The conference closes with a "meet the experts" session in which users will have a chance to lobby for their point of view with representatives from the Technical Committee of the DDI Alliance. The philosophy of EDDI is to be an open, inclusive DDI community-building activity.

Visit the EDDI Website for more information.

To view a list of past DDI-related EDDI presentations, please follow this link.

North American DDI (NADDI) Conference

The NADDI conference, which shared the same mission as EDDI, was held in various cities across North American.  Each year, a different member organization of the Alliance hosted the event.  The last NADDI conference took place in 2019.

Visit the NADDI Website for more information.

To view a list of past DDI-related NADDI presentations, please follow this link.

International Association for Social Science Information Services & Technology (IASSIST) Conference

IASSIST is an international organization of professionals working in and with information technology and data services to support research and teaching in the social sciences. Its 400+ members are from a variety of workplaces, including data archives, statistical agencies, research centers, libraries, academic departments, government departments, and non-profit organizations. The IASSIST conference is held in late May or early June in cities around the world. 

Visit the IASSIST website for more information.

To view a list of past DDI-related IASSIST presentations, please follow this link.