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Working groups and committees advise the Executive Board or Scientific Board on topics related to the Alliance's operations, development and products. Anyone with relevant expertise from a member organization can apply to join a working group. Each group has a leader who manages the work and reports to the governing body.

To propose a new working group, email the Chair of the Executive Board or Scientific Board.

All working group documentation, including for past and inactive groups, is available on the DDI Collaboration Wiki

To join a working group, email the group's chair using the links provided below.

Controlled Vocabularies Working Group

Controlled Vocabularies Working Group Wiki Page

Join the Controlled Vocabularies Working Group

The Controlled Vocabularies Working Group develops and maintains controlled vocabularies for existing DDI elements, identifies additional DDI elements that require controlled vocabularies, and creates them as needed.

Cross Domain Integration (CDI) Working Group

CDI Working Group Wiki Page

Join the CDI Working Group

The CDI Working Group focuses on the ongoing process of modeling, representation, and testing DDI Cross-Domain Integration (DDI-CDI).  DDI-CDI aims to fill the emerging need for integration of data across different disciplines by connecting diverse data and metadata formats, whether described in DDI-Codebook, DDI-Lifecycle, or in any other fashion.

DDI Developers Group

DDI Developers GitHub Repository

Join the DDI Developers Google Group

The DDI Developers Group is an informal community for developers of software implementations based on DDI. The group gets together periodically to discuss their implementations of the DDI specification, including at annual hackathons.

Minutes of Developers Group meetings

Group Report, 2010-2011
Group Report, 2011-2012
Group Report, 2012-2013

Glossary Working Group

Glossary Working Group Wiki Page

Join the Glossary Working Group

The Glossary Working Group produces, maintains, and updates the DDI Glossary of terms. The DDI Glossary serves as a valuable resource for users seeking to better understand DDI products and terminology.

Marketing Working Group

Marketing Working Group Wiki Page

Join the Marketing Working Group

The Marketing Working Group promotes and accelerates the adoption of DDI standards and products by understanding different audiences and tailoring messages to them. Key tasks include identifying target audiences, addressing barriers to adoption, prioritizing audiences based on impact and readiness, creating use cases, developing clear communication materials, and organizing marketing campaigns to raise awareness of DDI.

Paradata Working Group

Join the Paradata Working Group

The Paradata Working Group is reviewing elements of paradata (data about the process by which survey data were collected) for inclusion in the DDI specification.

Questions and Questionnaires Working Group

Questions and Questionnaires Working Group Wiki Page

Join the Questions and Questionnaires Working Group

The Questions and Questionnaires Working Group aims to provide guidelines for building and managing questions and questionnaires using DDI products and related standards. The group will also collaborate with other expert groups to help identify needs for new material (e.g. training) or evolution of the standards.

RDF Equivalence Working Group

RDF Equivalence Working Group Wiki Page

Join the RDF Equivalence Working Group

The RDF Equivalence Working Group is creating a mapping of the most used common classes across the DDI products, defined using the owl equivalentClass. These mappings will be recorded using the Simple Standard for Sharing Ontological Mappings (SSSOM), which provides a framework for recording the equivalences and provides tooling to generate the OWL reified axioms. The group may also include OWL equivalentProperty mappings if it is found to be useful.

Structured Data Transformation Language (SDTL) Working Group

SDTL Working Group Wiki Page

Join the SDTL Working Group

The SDTL Working Group maintains and manages the Structured Data Transformation Language (SDTL), an independent intermediate language for representing data transformation commands. 

Technical Committee

Technical Committee Wiki Page

Join the Technical Committee

The Technical Committee is responsible for modeling, rendering, maintaining, and updating DDI specifications to meet community needs and align with the Alliance's strategic goals. The committee receives input from working groups, DDI users and developers, and other stakeholders.

Training Working Group

Training Working Group Wiki Page

Join the Training Working Group

The Training Working Group focuses on introducing people to DDI and enhancing their proficiency in using it. It tailors training for specific audiences, builds training expertise within the community, and maintains a library of updated materials for reuse.

XKOS - Extended Knowledge Organization System Working Group

XKOS Working Group Wiki Page

Join the XKOS Working Group

The XKOS Working Group develops XKOS, an extension to the Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS) to better manage statistical classifications and concept management systems. It introduces new terms to represent classification structures and textual properties, and refines SKOS semantic properties to allow for more specific relations between concepts. These enhancements aim to meet the specific needs of the statistical community while maintaining compatibility with SKOS.