Events at Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz Center for Informatics
DDI has a strong relationship to an internationally renowned informatics center in Germany, Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz Institute for Informatics, Wadern. Since 2007, 33 DDI expert and training workshops have been held in this extraordinary venue.
The venue and its advantages
Everything at Dagstuhl is designed to support communication between participants. The remote location encourages participants to focus on the work without interruptions, enabling intensive discussion and triggering new ideas. The seminar and break-out rooms are comfortable and conveniently located and bring people together for large and small meetings. Because participants stay for the week, they can work together through the day and continue in the evening if desired, but they can also take advantage of other social activities into the evening, such as ping-pong, billiards, or discussions in the wine cellar. Building relationships in this way results in more efficient communication and higher quality interactions overall, leading to enhanced productivity and good outcomes.
Combining training and expert workshops in sequence at the same location supports the process of building a community of qualified DDI users and specification developers. Often DDI users eventually become active contributors to further development. This is especially important for DDI as a community-driven standard. The DDI expert workshops have been supported and organized by the DDI Alliance and its members; GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences; the Open Data Foundation; the University of Minnesota Population Center; and CODATA (the Committee on Data of the International Science Council). Training workshops (also the two workshops on Semantic Statistics in 2011/2012) were organized by GESIS. The events have been subsidized by Dagstuhl.
Resulting public papers and specifications are listed below in connection with the related events.
Longitudinal Data Best Practices
Expert Workshops
DDI-CDI: Aligning Technology Architectures with Cross-Domain Metadata Models
October 06 – 11, 2024 – Dagstuhl event 24413
The workshop was attended by 24 people from 20 institutions in 11 countries.
Resulting work
- Working documents on the workshop page of the DDI Alliance wiki.
- Report.
DDI-CDI: Realising Interoperable Data Services in the Metadata Ecosystem
September 24 - 29, 2023 – Dagstuhl Event 23393
The workshop (hybrid format) was attended by 25 people from 21 institutions in 11 countries.
Resulting work
- Working documents on the workshop page of the DDI Alliance wiki.
- Report
Further Development of the DDI Cross Domain Integration Model for FAIR Data Sharing across Discipline and Domain Boundaries
September 19 - 24, 2021 – Dagstuhl Event 21383
The workshop (hybrid format) was attended by 22 people from 21 institutions in 10 countries.
Resulting work
- Working documents on the workshop page of the DDI Alliance wiki.
DDI 4 Core - Development of a Robust and Sustainable Model
September 30 - October 4, 2019 – Dagstuhl Event 19403
The workshop was attended by 7 people from 7 institutions in 4 countries.
Resulting work
- Working documents on the workshop page of the DDI Alliance wiki.
- This work resulted in a mature basis for the specification DDI Cross Domain Integration (first public review in 2020)
Cross-Domain Approaches
Expert Workshops
Evaluating and Refining Cross-Domain Metadata Exchange Frameworks
October 13 – 18, 2024 - Dagstuhl event 24423
The workshop was attended by 24 people from 17 institutions in 10 countries.
Resulting work
- Working documents on the workshop page of the DDI Alliance wiki.
- Report.
Defining a Core Metadata Framework for Cross-Domain Data Sharing and Reuse
October 1–6, 2023 – Dagstuhl Event 23403
The workshop was attended by 24 people from 22 institutions in 12 countries.
Resulting work
- Working documents on the workshop page of the DDI Alliance wiki.
- Report
Interoperability for Cross-Domain Research: Machine-Actionability & Scalability
August 28 - September 2, 2022 – Dagstuhl Event 22353
The workshop was attended by 23 people from 20 institutions in 10 countries.
Resulting work
- Working documents on the workshop page of the DDI Alliance wiki.
Interoperability for Cross-Domain Research: Use Cases for Metadata Standards
September 26 - October 1, 2021 – Dagstuhl Event 21393
The workshop (hybrid format) was attended by 18 people from 15 institutions in 8 countries.
Resulting work
- Working documents on the workshop page of the DDI Alliance wiki.
Interoperability of Metadata Standards in Cross-Domain Science, Health, and Social Science Applications II
October 7-11, 2019 – Dagstuhl Event 19413
The workshop was attended by 23 people from 22 institutions in 11 countries.
Resulting work
- Working documents on the workshop page of the DDI Alliance wiki.
Interoperability of Metadata Standards in Cross-Domain Science, Health, and Social Science Applications
October 1-5, 2018 – Dagstuhl Event 18403
The workshop was attended by 24 people from 23 institutions in 8 countries.
Resulting work
- Working documents on the workshop page of the DDI Alliance wiki.
- Report
Moving Forward: Facilitating Interoperability and Collaboration with Other Metadata Standards
October 17-21, 2016 – Dagstuhl Event 16423
The workshop was attended by 20 people from 19 institutions in 7 countries.
Resulting work
- Working documents on the workshop page of the DDI Alliance wiki.
Moving Forward: Facilitating Interoperability and Collaboration with Other Metadata Standards
October 18-23, 2015 – Dagstuhl Event 15433
The workshop was attended by 22 people from 22 institutions in 8 countries.
Resulting work
- Working documents on the workshop page of the DDI Alliance wiki.
- Report
DDI Moving Forward
Developing the DDI model is one of the strategic priorities of the DDI Alliance. The Alliance began work on a model-based DDI in October 2012 in a workshop at Schloss Dagstuhl and is continuing this work in subsequent workshops at the same venue and at other places. A summary describes the Moving Forward process (partly outdated). The DDI Collaboration Wiki provides all related documents.
Expert Workshops
DDI Moving Forward: Integration of Core Components / DDI-based Infrastructure Vision
October 23-27, 2017 – Dagstuhl Event 17433
The workshop was attended by 22 people from 18 institutions in 8 countries.
Resulting work
- Working documents on the workshop page of the DDI Alliance wiki.
DDI Moving Forward: Production Framework and Bindings
October 16-20, 2017 – Dagstuhl Event 17423
The workshop was attended by 16 people from 9 institutions in 5 countries.
Resulting work
- Working documents on the workshop page of the DDI Alliance wiki.
Moving Forward: Improvement and Refinement of Selected Areas
October 24-28, 2016 – Dagstuhl Event 16433
The workshop was attended by 24 people from 15 institutions in 6 countries.
Resulting work
- Working documents on the workshop page of the DDI Alliance wiki.
Moving Forward: Facilitating Interoperability and Collaboration with Other Metadata Standards
October 17-21, 2016 – Dagstuhl Event 16423
The workshop was attended by 20 people from 19 institutions in 7 countries.
Resulting work
- Working documents on the workshop page of the DDI Alliance wiki.
DDI Lifecycle: Moving Forward
October 19-24, 2014 – Dagstuhl Event 14422
The workshop was attended by 25 people from 22 institutions in 7 countries.
Resulting work
- Report on workshop.
- Working documents on the workshop page of the DDI Alliance wiki.
- Paper on “DDI and Enhanced Data Citation” accepted for publication in the journal IASSIST Quarterly.
DDI Lifecycle: Moving Forward
October 27-November 1, 2013 – Dagstuhl Event 13442
The workshop was attended by 22 people from 16 institutions in 8 countries.
Resulting work
- Produced the first classes which eventually went into the DDI4 model.
DDI Lifecycle: Moving Forward
October 21-26, 2012 – Dagstuhl Event 12432
The workshop was attended by 22 people from 18 institutions in 8 countries.
Resulting work
- Paper on “Developing a Model-Driven DDI Specification” published in the DDI Alliance Working Paper Series.
Semantic Statistics
Expert Workshops
Semantic Statistics for Social, Behavioural, and Economic Sciences: Leveraging the DDI Model for the Linked Data Web
October 14-19, 2012 – Dagstuhl Event 12422
The workshop was attended by 14 people from 12 institutions in 5 countries.
Resulting work
- Mature versions of two RDF vocabularies: DDI-RDF Discovery Vocabulary (Disco) and XKOS – Extended Knowledge Organization System. Disco defines an RDF Schema vocabulary that enables discovery of research and survey data on the Web. XKOS leverages the Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS) for managing statistical classifications and concept management systems.
Semantic Statistics for Social, Behavioural, and Economic Sciences: Leveraging the DDI Model for the Web
September 11-16, 2011 – Dagstuhl Event 11372
The workshop was attended by 19 people from 16 institutions in 9 countries.
Resulting work
- Concepts for two RDF vocabularies: DDI-RDF Discovery Vocabulary (Disco) and XKOS – Extended Knowledge Organization System. Disco defines an RDF Schema vocabulary that enables discovery of research and survey data on the Web. XKOS leverages the Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS) for managing statistical classifications and concept management systems.
- Paper on “Using RDF to Describe and Link Social Science Data to Related Resources on the Web: Leveraging the Data Documentation Initiative (DDI) Model” published in the DDI Alliance Working Paper Series.
Longitudinal Data Best Practices
Expert Workshops
The Data Documentation Initiative (DDI) Standard: Managing Metadata for Longitudinal Data – Best Practices
September 18-23, 2011 – Dagstuhl Event 11382
The workshop was attended by 20 people from 17 institutions in 7 countries.
Resulting work
- Produced the Generic Longitudinal Business Process Model (GLBPM) documented in a paper published in the DDI Alliance Working Paper Series.
DDI: Managing Metadata for Longitudinal Data – Best Practices
October 17-22, 2010 – Dagstuhl Event 10422
The workshop was attended by 24 people from 21 institutions in 7 countries.
Resulting work
- 5 papers on best practices for longitudinal data published in the DDI Alliance Working Paper Series.
Advanced Topics
Expert Workshops
The Data Documentation Initiative [DDI] XML Standard: Workshop on Implementation of DDI3 – Advanced Topics
November 1-6, 2009 – Dagstuhl Event 09452
The workshop was attended by 20 people from 16 institutions in 9 countries.
Resulting work
- 7 papers on DDI use cases published in the DDI Alliance Working Paper Series.
The Data Documentation Initiative [DDI] XML Standard: Working Meeting on Advanced Topics in Usability and Interoperability
November 9-14, 2008 – Dagstuhl Event 08462
The workshop was attended by 25 people from 20 institutions in 7 countries.
Resulting work
- 12 papers on best practices across the data life cycle published in the DDI Alliance Working Paper Series.
Further Development of the Data Documentation Initiative [DDI] XML Standard: Technical Implementation Committee Meeting
October 28 - November 1, 2007 – Dagstuhl Event 07442
The workshop was attended by 6 people from 6 institutions in 3 countries.
Resulting work
- The final version of the specification DDI Lifecycle 3.0 was subject of this meeting. This was the first version of the new DDI Lifecycle.
Intensive Training
This intensive training workshops series is organized by GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences.
Data Documentation Initiative (DDI) - Train the Trainers
September 24-28, 2018 – Dagstuhl Event 18393
The workshop was attended by 23 people from 20 institutions in 12 countries.
Wiki site
DDI: Facilitating Process and Metadata-Driven Automation in the Social, Economic, and Behavioural Sciences with the Data Documentation Initiative
October 11-16, 2015 – Dagstuhl Event 15423
The workshop was attended by 15 people from 11 institutions in 6 countries.
DDI: Facilitating Process and Metadata-Driven Automation in the Social, Economic, and Behavioural Sciences with the Data Documentation Initiative
October 12-17, 2014 – Dagstuhl Event 14422
The workshop was attended by 25 people from 18 institutions in 12 countries.
Facilitating Process and Metadata-Driven Automation in the Social, Economic, and Behavioural Sciences with the Data Documentation Initiative (DDI)
October 20-25, 2013 – Dagstuhl Event 13432
The workshop was attended by 21 people from 16 institutions in 8 countries.
The Data Documentation Initiative (DDI) XML Standard: Using DDI 3 to Support Production, Management, Dissemination, and Preservation Systems for Data in the Social Sciences and Economics
October 24-29, 2010 – Dagstuhl Event 10432
The workshop was attended by 16 people from 11 institutions in 8 countries.
The Data Documentation Initiative [DDI] XML Standard: Support Preservation, Management, Access & Dissemination Systems for Social Science Data
October 25-30, 2009 – Dagstuhl Event 09442
The workshop was attended by 21 people from 15 institutions in 9 countries.
The Data Documentation Initiative [DDI] XML Standard: Support Preservation, Management, Access & Dissemination Systems for Social Science Data
November 2-7, 2008 – Dagstuhl Event 08452
The workshop was attended by 12 people from 16 institutions in 8 countries.
The Data Documentation Initiative [DDI] XML Standard: Support Preservation, Management, Access and Dissemination Systems for Social Science Data
October 23-27, 2007 – Dagstuhl Event 07432
The workshop was attended by 20 people from 14 institutions in 8 countries.