DDI Alliance Membership
The DDI Alliance is a self-sustaining membership organization supporting the creation and development of the DDI specification as an international metadata standard for documenting data. Over 40 organizations are members of the DDI Alliance.
Benefits of Membership
Membership provides a direct voice in the decision-making process of DDI products and activities. Membership benefits include:
- Influence DDI Standards: Participate in voting on DDI products, contributing to the evolution of international metadata standards.
- Leadership Opportunities: Be eligible for election to Executive Board and Scientific Board leadership, shaping the strategic direction of the DDI Alliance.
- Collaborative Engagement: Join working groups to collaborate on the development of DDI products and provide guidance to the community.
- Networking Opportunities: Attend annual meetings and events to connect with professionals and organizations in the data documentation field.
- Brand Association: Utilize DDI Alliance trademarks in your promotional materials, showcasing your commitment to data standards.
- Support the Sustainability of DDI Standards: Directly contribute and financially sustain the ongoing maintenance, development, and enhancement of DDI standards, ensuring they remain robust, up-to-date, and freely available to the global research and statistical community.
DDI is being used in over 80 countries around the world!
The list of organizations and projects that have adopted the DDI standard continues to grow! View highlighted DDI adopters by visiting our Wall of Adopters.