Wall of Adopters
The list of organizations and projects that have adopted the DDI standard continues to grow!
Altarum Institute
Altarum creates DDI3.1 codebooks with Colectica for several CAHPS and HCAHPS ongoing surveys conducted for TRICARE (now part of the Defense Health Agency) and the Army’s Office of the Surgeon General assessing patient satisfaction with the healthcare they receive at Military Treatment Facilities around the world as well as civilian facilities provided to TRICARE beneficiaries.
This repository, which uses Nesstar, provides online access to approximately 2,000 datasets archived with the Australian Social Science Data Archive between 1975 and the present. Areas covered include economics, demography, politics, sociology, psychology, health, law and education. The facility allows browsing, download and online analysis of data.
The Research Data Centres (RDC) Program is part of an initiative by Statistics Canada, the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) and university consortia to help strengthen Canada's social research capacity and to support the policy research community. The program is supported by the Canadian Foundation for Innovation (CFI) and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). RDCs provide researchers with access, in a secure university setting, to microdata from population and household surveys.
The threefold aim of this project is (1) to provide specialist support for members of the academic community wishing to work with secondary, comparative European survey data sets; (2) to develop information systems designed to improve the accessibility of comparative survey data; and (3) to carry out methodological research to improve the conceptualisation and operationalisation of inter-national and inter-cultural analyses. Users are able to obtain custom output from the CCESD system in three formats, including XML DDI, SPSS files,MS Excel, and CSV.
The University of Costa Rica and the University of Kansas are collaborating on a project to create a multilingual applied clinical research library (to-date over 400 unique instruments in 850 different applications) that can be shared widely by investigators throughout the US and Latin America to facilitate high-quality biobehavioral research on medical issues germane to Hispanic Americans.
The purpose of this project, conducted by the Research Data Assistance Center at the University of Minnesota, was to compile, organize, and structure the documentation for the Medicare beneficiary demographic and enrollment data so the documentation is suitable for research and statistical use. To accomplish this goal, the project employed the DDI.
The Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives (CESSDA) offers a data catalogue providing access to research data from archives across Europe. The catalogue includes nearly 30,000 studies (~22,000 with english descriptions) distributed by members of the CESSDA European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC).
The major objective for CESSDA is to provide seamless access to data across repositories, nations, languages and research purposes. CESSDA encourages standardisation of data and metadata, data sharing and knowledge mobility across Europe. CESSDA aims to play an active part in the development of standards and, even more important, to encourage and facilitate the use of metadata standards for documenting and publishing the existing inventories of research data available from national as well as cross-national resources in Europe.
CIMES (Centralising and Integrating Metadata from European Statistics) provides a large and comprehensive overview of official micro data disseminated for research purposes by the national statistical institutes (NSI) across Europe. It is a database describing these data and the procedures for requesting access to them with information about the different types of files available (Public Use Files, Scientific Use Files, Secure Use Files) available, conditions of access and links to the providers. It does not give a direct access to the data, it contains only metadata. CIMES thus gathers pieces of information that are currently scattered throughout Europe, either in NSIs or data archives, and stores them in a structured database compatible with the DDI standard.
CIVICACTIVE is a project pertaining to elections and referendums in Europe, and this site, which uses Nesstar, is part of the dissemination strategy of the CIVICACTIVE project. It provides an online database of aggregated election statistics from European Parliament elections: national parliamentary and presidential elections as well as EU-related referendums held in EU member countries starting in 1990.
The CLOSER (Cohort and Longitudinal Studies Enhancement Resources) programme aims to maximise the use, value and impact of the member UK longitudinal studies. A key part of the CLOSER project is the creation of a Uniform Search Platform allowing users to search the metadata from all of the projects included to find key variables for their research. The metadata will be substantially enhanced and made available in DDI-Lifecycle format. It will be harmonised both across the sweeps within the studies and across the studies, allowing people to find equivalent information. This rich resource will then be available to all researchers, backed by a programme of training and capacity building and a number of sample cross-cohort projects. CLOSER is planning for users throughout their educational journey, as well as policy makers and other users who are not as well served by current provision.
This is a project, undertaken in partnership with Nesstar, to develop a Web-based data analysis system for use by Health Canada. DDI markup undelies the system.
The Digital Curation Centre developed an online service to assist researchers to compile structured data management plans that conform closely with major grant holders' emerging requirements. The MRC Center for Epidemiology of Child Health at University College London are engaged in a programme of capacity and infrastructure building to improve quality and consistency of research data management in support of data sharing and reuse. The epiLab team completed a JISC-funded project (SERPent) that investigated the viability of using the Data Documentation Initiative (DDI) to create searchable research catalogues. Effective information security is critically important and the creation of tools to promote best practice in information security management are a high priority for MRC and UCL. The study aimed to use and extend existing DDI editors and broking services to act as a core registry of data management plans that can interoperate with both DMPOnline and a locally managed information security management systems.
The DwB Resource Discovery Portal (DwB-RDP) provides mechanisms to researchers and applications to search and retrieve metadata for the catalogued datasets. It currently allows search at the study level. The portal user interface consists of three separate views, the discovery portal home page, the search results page, and the study details page.
The DwB-RDP is built on a metadata model starting from DDI as a representation of community best practices and standards in metadata development. To harvest and register information into the portal repository, both development lines of the DDI (Codebook and Lifecycle) are identified as core specifications.
DataFirst is a unit at the University of Cape Town, South Africa, devoted to survey research in Africa. The unit operates a Research Data Centre and provides basic and advanced training in microdata analysis. DataFirst is also an international web portal for South African census and survey data, as well as survey metadata and all research output based on this data. The unit aims to facilitate the collection, exchange and use of census and survey microdata on a collaborative basis in the African region, and build regional expertise in quantitative survey methodology and analysis. The DataFirst data catalogue provides downloadable documentation in DDI XML, PDF, and HTML.
Developed by the Data Archive of GESIS, this tool imports SPSS data files; allows documentation of questions, sub-questions and answers; enables language-specific documentation; shows two languages concurrently on the screen; permits reuse of question documentation; exports into a DDI 2-compatible format, for Nesstar or long-term preservation; and exports into a DDI 3-compatible format, supporting enhanced publications.
A pilot study was initiated during summer 2004 involving three Research Data Centres (Alberta, the Prairies, and McMaster) along with the Statistics Canada RDC and General Social Survey (GSS) Programs. This project consisted of creating DDI documentation for the confidential data of the Canadian GSS Cycle 17, assessing the information sources needed to complete this task, and evaluating the use of DDI documentation by researchers in an RDC. Overall, this project was trying to capture the information created during the life cycle of a GSS survey and to assess how much of this information could be recorded within DDI. The GSS uses a mix of systems during the production of a survey and part of the work was to identify this information (and its sources) and to map it into DDI elements. The research and analysis were based on data from Statistics Canada and the opinions expressed do not represent the views of Statistics Canada.
This project, developed by the German Institute for Educational Progress (IQB) and hosted by Humboldt-University at Berlin, is an application of DDI 3 for large-scale assessments in education such as TIMSS and PISA.
An enhanced publication is a modern form of scientific communication that enables researchers to present their publications online in conjunction with other material. Additional materials that may be used to enhance a publication include:
- research data
- models
- algorithms
- graphics
- metadata sets
- post-publication data such as commentaries and rankings
With these changing sets of materials, enhanced publications can continue to grow over time. This format also allows research methods to be explained for a broader public. Supplementing publications with supporting research data also makes it easier to verify, reproduce and reuse the research results.
The European Social Survey (ESS) is an academically driven cross-national survey that has been conducted every two years across Europe since 2001. The survey measures the attitudes, beliefs and behaviour patterns of diverse populations in more than thirty nations.ESS data are provided in the Nesstar online analysis system.
ESS EduNet is a training resource mainly developed for use in higher education. The ambition is to create a social science laboratory where theoretical questions can be explored using high quality empirical data. The resource is based on the European Social Survey and is driven by Nesstar.
Led by Cornell University, Freedom on the Move (FOTM) is a comprehensive and highly collaborative effort to transcribe and parse an estimated 100,000 advertisements about fugitive slaves in antebellum U.S. using OCR and crowd-sourcing to create a new academic data resource. The data is stored in a relational database which is described and published using DDI-DISCO and W3C-PROV ontologies.
Gallup serves the European Union by providing public opinion tracking in the candidate region. Authorized users can access and download the full data files of all publicly available Candidate Countries Eurobarometer surveys Gallup has carried out in the past four years through the Nesstar interface.
The General Social Survey (GSS) is one of NORC's flagship surveys and its longest running project. Begun in 1972, the GSS and has been monitoring social change and the growing complexity of American society.
ICPSR provides all of its metadata records in DDI format. About 75 percent of the holdings also have DDI-compliant variable-level information.
The Social Science Variables Database, created with funding from the National Science Foundation as part of ICPSR's Infrastructure in the Social Sciences award (SES-9977984), is a database of over 4 million variables from ICPSR data. The SSVD enables the user to search for variables, compare variables across studies, and view the question text for select variables.
The Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA) in Bonn, Germany, is a private, independent research institute focusing on the economic analysis of national and international labor markets. The institute conducts extensive research in all relevant areas of labor economics and advises policymakers on current labor market issues. Financed by Deutsche Post World Net, IZA cooperates closely with the University of Bonn and other academic institutions. The International Data Service Center (IDSC) is IZA's organizational unit whose purpose is to serve the scientific and infrastructural computing needs of IZA and its affiliated communities.
The IHSN program of activities includes:
- Improvement of data collection methods and practices through assessment and improvement of survey methods and programs. The IHSN facilitates the work of experts and specialized task forces who produce guidelines and reference materials. The IHSN also develops and maintains a Question Bank, a central repository of international survey guidelines, definitions of related concepts and indicators, interviewer instructions, and classifications.
- Development and maintenance of tools and guidelines to help data producers improve the documentation, preservation, anonymization, cataloguing, dissemination, and archiving of survey and census microdata.
- Maintenance of survey and census catalogs to inform data users about the existence of data. The IHSN does not distribute microdata, but helps make these data more accessible by providing data documentation, cataloguing, and dissemination tools and recommendations to agencies that own such data.
DDI is used by participating data producers to catalog and document data -- see the IHSN Survey Catalog. The IHSN coordinates its activities with the Accelerated Data Program (ADP), which supports the implementation of international best practices of survey design and data archiving in developing countries.
The ISDC Data Catalog contains information on over 600 datasets covering an extensive range of key economic and social quantitative data, spanning several disciplines and themes. The bulk of the datasets described in this catalog are micro-level. Each dataset within the collection is described by bibliographic details, methodological information, abstract, geographical coverage and temporal coverage. Links to associated metadata include references to publications, subject keywords, extended metadata sources and links to related datasets, clustered in "Data Series".
The content of this catalog is structured in DDI format - an international standard for technical documentation describing social science data. The search engine is based on NESSTAR - a European software serving as an infrastructure for publishing and sharing data on the web.
This online panel survey, administered by CentERdata, a research institute located in Tilburg in the Netherlands, documents its data using DDI 3 through a backend called Questasy.
Researchers have access to improved metadata and new tools to search and analyze the General Social Survey and the American National Election Studies under a new joint initiative launched by ICPSR, the independent research organization NORC at the University of Chicago, and several partners. The project has created a metadata portal to demonstrate prototype tools that can be built with the new structured DDI metadata.The project has also examined the possibilities to develop new metadata-driven workflows and best practices to capture metadata early in the data production process so that it can be reused across the research lifecycle.
The objectives of this pilot project, which is funded by the National Science Foundation (Collaborative Research: Metadata Portal for the Social Sciences, SES-1229957) under the Metadata for Long-standing Large-Scale Social Science Surveys (META-SSS) program, are:
- To develop rich, structured metadata compliant with the Data Documentation Initiative (DDI) standard for two premier time series studies in the social sciences — the GSS and the ANES
- To showcase tools that can be built upon the foundation of rich metadata
- To analyze and improve the projects’ workflows to capture more metadata at the source
MQDS, developed by Survey Research Operations at the Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan, documents Blaise instruments and produces survey documentation on the Web. MQDS can export documentation in DDI 3 format.
Midlife in the United States (MIDUS) is a national longitudinal study of health and well-being. It was conceived by a multidisciplinary team of scholars interested in understanding aging as an integrated bio-psycho-social process. Since its inception in 1995 MIDUS has continued to grow, such that it now includes data from over 10,000 individuals, comprising thousands of variables in different scientific areas among distinct cohorts.
This website is a one-stop repository that provides MIDUS data and metadata (information about data) for exploration and analysis. Users can read project abstracts, search for variables within or across datasets, download instruments, documentation, and codebooks, and download datasets from the official MIDUS archive.
The MIDUS study and this repository are supported by multiple grants from the National Institute on Aging (5R37AG027343, 5P01AG020166, 1R03AG046312) and by the University of Wisconsin Institute on Aging. This repository is based on the Data Documentation Initiative (DDI) metadata standard and is powered by Colectica software. Please feel free to explore the repository and send any feedback or questions to bradler@wisc.edu.
<odesi> is a web-based data exploration, extraction and analysis tool. It is the product of a unique partnership between university libraries, business, and government, which greatly improves access to statistical data for researchers, teachers, and students. <odesi> provides researchers the ability to search for survey questions (variables) across hundreds of datasets held in a growing number of collections. <odesi> supports basic tabulation and analysis online, and allows for the downloading of most datasets into statistical software for further analysis. <odesi> provides unprecedented access to extensive collections of polling and social survey data.
The Data Liberation Initiative (DLI) is a partnership between post secondary institutions and Statistics Canada for improving access to Canadian data resources. Over the years the focus of the DLI Program has evolved from purchasing access to major Canadian datasets collected by Statistics Canada to providing training services and the continuous support required for the proper understanding and usage of an ever expanding research data collection.
The Dataverse is an open source web application to share, preserve, cite, explore and analyze research data. It facilitates making data available to others, and allows you to replicate others work. Researchers, data authors, publishers, data distributors, and affiliated institutions all receive appropriate credit.
A Dataverse repository hosts multiple dataverses. Each dataverse contains datatset or other dataverses, and each dataset contains descriptive metadata and data files (including documentation and code that accompany the data).
Since 2012, the Institute for Quantitative Social Science has collaborated with Harvard Library and Harvard University Information Technology (HUIT) to make the Harvard Dataverse openly available to researchers and data collectors worldwide from all disciplines to deposit data. In this collaboration IQSS leads the development of the open source Dataverse software; and in conjunction with the Open Data Assistance Program at Harvard (a collaboration with Harvard Library, the Office for Scholarly Communication and IQSS) provides user support for the Harvard Dataverse. The Library Technology Services at HUIT provides hosting and backups support of the Harvard Dataverse.
The TREC Measurement System (TMS) study is a longitudinal study that explores the strength of linkages between work environments, best practice use and resident outcomes using staff survey data and RAI-MDS 2.0 data. The study will take place in 90 nursing homes across British Columbia, Alberta and Manitoba. Recruitment of sites will ensure representation across these locations, and that facilities of different sizes and owner-operator models (public, voluntary and private) are included.
The VETSA is a nationwide longitudinal project designed to examine genetic and environmental influences on late midlife cognitive and brain changes. Starting in 2002, the baseline VETSA assessment conducted in-person testing of a community-dwelling sample of 1237 male twins ages 51-60 including a five- year follow-up completed in 2013. The project is unique in its inclusion of an in depth cognitive battery, magnetic resonance imaging data, neuroendocrine data, biomedical, biomarker, and psychosocial measures in the same middle-aged adults in the context of a behavior genetic study.
VETSA is applying DDI-Lifecycle to document project-connected materials (e.g., procedures, codebooks, scoring systems, measures, variable definitions, statistical syntax, and datasets) and to facilitate interactive use by other researchers.