How Researchers Use DDI
What is DDI?
DDI helps researchers document and find data in a structured way, ensuring better reproducibility and transparency.
How DDI Helps Researchers
- Makes Data Easier to Find: Many repositories use DDI to document data, making it easier to search for datasets, including by topic, methodology, time period, geographic coverage, and more..
- Makes Data Easier to Reuse: Structured DDI metadata makes it easier to understand the context, methodology, and variables used in the original study. Well-documented datasets using DDI ensure that research can be verified and reused.
- Improves Data Integration and Interoperability: DDI's structured metadata facilitates interoperability by providing standardized descriptions of variables, methodologies, and data collection processes. This allows researchers to more easily compare, merge, and analyze data across different studies, disciplines, and repositories.
- Preserves Data for Future Use: Data has long-term value beyond the initial research project. Using DDI to document data ensures they remain understandable and usable decades later.