
Found 1103 results
Humphrey C.  2007.  Capitalising on Metadata: Tool Develoment Plans.
Ionescu S, Vardigan M, Green A.  2007.  A Crystal Clear Introduction to DDI Version 3.0.
DDI Alliance.  2007.  Data Documentation Initiative: A metadata standard for the social sciences.
Rasmussen KBoye, Blank G.  2007.  The data documentation initiative: a preservation standard for research. Archival Science. 7(1)
Gregory A, Thomas W, Wackerow J.  2007.  The Data Documentation Initiative [DDI] XML Standard: Support Preservation, Management, Access and Dissemination Systems for Social Science Data.
Gregory A, Heus P.  2007.  DDI and SDMX: Complementary, Not Competing, Standards.
Wackerow J.  2007.  Documenting, Maintaining, and Sharing Standard Variables with DDI Version 3.0: the ISCO example.
Thomas W, Wackerow J.  2007.  Further Development of the Data Documentation Initiative [DDI] XML Standard: Technical Implementation Committee Meeting.
Ionescu S.  2007.  Introduction to DDI 3.0.
Goebel J, Wackerow J.  2007.  New Frontiers: Can Panel Studies Go DDI? First Experiences in documenting the German Socio- Economic Panel Study with DDI 3.0
Edwards M.  2007.  Ontario Universities moving forward with DDI.
[Anonymous].  2007.  Presenting the New DDI 3.00: What Can it Do for You?
Vardigan M, Thomas W, Gregory A, Wackerow J, Moschner M.  2007.  Presenting the New DDI 3.00: What Can it Do for You? (Panel Discussion)
Bohr J, Janssen A, Wackerow J.  2007.  Problems of Comparability in the German Microcensus over Time and the New DDI Version 3.0. IASSIST Quarterly. 30(1)
Thomas W, Gregory A, Wackerow J.  2007.  Taking Advantage of DDI 3.0.
Decuypere M.  2007.  An Update on DDI Working Groups at Statistics Canada.
Bradley B.  2007.  Whither DDI - Status and Prospects in Canada.
Gregory A.  2006.  DDI 3.