A Crystal Clear Introduction to DDI Version 3.0

TitleA Crystal Clear Introduction to DDI Version 3.0
Publication TypePresentation
Year of Publication2007
AuthorsIonescu S, Vardigan M, Green A

A Crystal Clear Introduction to DDI Version 3.0DDI Version 3 differs from Version 2 in many ways: it covers more of the data life cycle, it is structured in a modular way, and it is \"machine-actionable.\" Many DDI 2 users are uncertain about how to use the new specification because there have been so many changes. This half-day morning session will provide the basics that we all need to get started and to be productive with DDI 3. Workshop participants will learn about the modules in DDI 3, how the notion of an \"instance\" has changed as compared to Version 2, and how to get started creating basic instances. Numerous examples will be provided to demonstrate typical scenarios and what is possible with DDI 3. Each participant will receive a booklet containing the most up-to-date documentation. 

Audience: Those individuals who have some familiarity with the DDI and have used previous versions will get the most from this workshop. Instructors: Sanda Ionescu, Ann Green, Mary Vardigan
