Taking Advantage of DDI 3.0

TitleTaking Advantage of DDI 3.0
Publication TypePresentation
Year of Publication2007
AuthorsThomas W, Gregory A, Wackerow J

Additional Presenters: Arofan Gregory (Open Data Foundation), Joachim Wackerow (GESIS-ZUMA) This workshop will focus on features that are new to DDI 3.0 and the ways in which organizations, large and small, can take advantage of these features for managing collections and supporting their services. The workshop will include a series of presentation covering: Overview of the modules. Maintainable objects. Grouping and comparison. NCube alignment with SDMX and ISO11179. Questions. Instrumentation and data collection.  URN construction and versioning.  Handouts will include how-to documents on these special features as well as basic documents to support work in DDI.

Audience: A basic understanding of DDI is expected. Individuals will get the most out of this session if they have attended earlier workshops (\"A Crystal Clear View of DDI 3.0\" or 2006 IASSIST Workshops) or are familiar with the basic 3.0 scheme model.

