
CIMES -- Centralising and Integrating Metadata from European Statistics

CIMES (Centralising and Integrating Metadata from European Statistics) provides a large and comprehensive overview of official micro data disseminated for research purposes by the national statistical institutes (NSI) across Europe. It is a database describing these data and the procedures for requesting access to them with information about the different types of files available (Public Use Files, Scientific Use Files, Secure Use Files) available, conditions of access and links to the providers. It does not give a direct access to the data, it contains only metadata.

Data Without Boundaries Discovery Portal

The DwB Resource Discovery Portal (DwB-RDP) provides mechanisms to researchers and applications to search and retrieve metadata for the catalogued datasets. It currently allows search at the study level. The portal user interface consists of three separate views, the discovery portal home page, the search results page, and the study details page.

Ontario Data Documentation, Extraction Service and Infrastructure (odesi)

<odesi> is a web-based data exploration, extraction and analysis tool. It is the product of a unique partnership between university libraries, business, and government, which greatly improves access to statistical data for researchers, teachers, and students. <odesi> provides researchers the ability to search for survey questions (variables) across hundreds of datasets held in a growing number of collections. <odesi> supports basic tabulation and analysis online, and allows for the downloading of most datasets into statistical software for further analysis.

Translating Research in Elder Care Monitoring System (TMS) Data Platform

The TREC Measurement System (TMS) study is a longitudinal study that explores the strength of linkages between work environments, best practice use and resident outcomes using staff survey data and RAI-MDS 2.0 data. The study will take place in 90 nursing homes across British Columbia, Alberta and Manitoba. Recruitment of sites will ensure representation across these locations, and that facilities of different sizes and owner-operator models (public, voluntary and private) are included.

Metadata Portal for the Social Sciences (Meta-SSS)

The objectives of this pilot project, which is funded by the National Science Foundation (Collaborative Research: Metadata Portal for the Social Sciences, SES-1229957) under the Metadata for Long-standing Large-Scale Social Science Surveys (META-SSS) program, are:

Mid-Life in the United States (MIDUS)

Midlife in the United States (MIDUS) is a national longitudinal study of health and well-being. It was conceived by a multidisciplinary team of scholars interested in understanding aging as an integrated bio-psycho-social process. Since its inception in 1995 MIDUS has continued to grow, such that it now includes data from over 10,000 individuals, comprising thousands of variables in different scientific areas among distinct cohorts.

CESSDA Data Catalogue

The Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives (CESSDA) offers a data catalogue providing access to research data from archives across Europe. The catalogue includes nearly 30,000 studies (~22,000 with english descriptions) distributed by members of the CESSDA European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC).

Israel Social Science Data Center (ISDC)

The ISDC Data Catalog contains information on over 600 datasets covering an extensive range of key economic and social quantitative data, spanning several disciplines and themes. The bulk of the datasets described in this catalog are micro-level. Each dataset within the collection is described by bibliographic details, methodological information, abstract, geographical coverage and temporal coverage. Links to associated metadata include references to publications, subject keywords, extended metadata sources and links to related datasets, clustered in "Data Series".

Institute for the Study of Labor -- IZA, International Data Service Center (IDSC)

The Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA) in Bonn, Germany, is a private, independent research institute focusing on the economic analysis of national and international labor markets. The institute conducts extensive research in all relevant areas of labor economics and advises policymakers on current labor market issues. Financed by Deutsche Post World Net, IZA cooperates closely with the University of Bonn and other academic institutions.