CESSDA Data Catalogue

Organization Name: 
Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives
Organization Type: 
Project Type: 
DDI Versions Used: 

The Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives (CESSDA) offers a data catalogue providing access to research data from archives across Europe. The catalogue includes nearly 30,000 studies (~22,000 with english descriptions) distributed by members of the CESSDA European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC).

The major objective for CESSDA is to provide seamless access to data across repositories, nations, languages and research purposes. CESSDA encourages standardisation of data and metadata, data sharing and knowledge mobility across Europe. CESSDA aims to play an active part in the development of standards and, even more important, to encourage and facilitate the use of metadata standards for documenting and publishing the existing inventories of research data available from national as well as cross-national resources in Europe.