DDI Publications

Below are DDI-related publications, presentations, posters, working papers, and workshops. If you know about content not already listed, please see our Add Publications page.

Hoyle L, Wackerow J.  2008.  Exporting SAS Datasets to DDI 3 XML files. SAS Global Forum 2008. PAPER 137-2008

The Data Documentation Initiative (DDI) is an international effort to establish an XML-based standard for representing lifecycle information about social science research and similar data. DDI facilitates the automation of documentation and...


Moving beyond the traditional “archival” orientation of data documentation, DDI Version 3.0 is designed to reach a wider audience, supporting the...


One of the key issues present in IRs is dealing with the description of items held in the repository. Data are not different from other digital materials and need to be described not just for discovery but also for preservation and reuse. The...