Archived DDI Controlled Vocabularies - Overview Table of All Versions

Download package with archived versions of DDI Controlled Vocabularies:

See latest versions

Name Title File Type
V 1.0
File Type
V 1.1
File Type
V 1.2
File Type
V 2.0
File Type
V 2.1
File Type
V 3.0
  • html: rendering as web page
  • xml: Genericode (version 1.0, DDI-CV profile 1.0)
  • xls: Excel (version 2003)
AggregationMethod Aggregation Method html, xml, xls          
AnalysisUnit Analysis Unit html, xml, xls          
CharacterSet Character Set html, xml, xls          
CommonalityType Commonality Type html, xml, xls          
DataSourceType Data Source Type html, xml, xls          
DataType Data Type html, xml, xls          
DateType Date Type html, xml, xls html, xml, xls        
GeneralDataFormat (formerly KindOfDataFormat) General Data Format       htmlxmlxls    
KindOfDataFormat Kind of Data Format html, xml, xls          
LanguageProficiency Language Proficiency html, xml, xls          
LifecycleEventType Lifecycle Event Type html, xml, xls          
ModeOfCollection Mode of Collection html, xml, xls html, xml, xls   html, xml, xls html, xml, xls htmlxmlxls
NumericType Numeric Type html, xml, xls          
ResponseUnit Response Unit html, xml, xls          
SamplingProcedure Sampling Procedure html, xml, xls html, xml, xls        
SoftwarePackage Software Package html, xml, xls          
SummaryStatisticType Summary Statistic Type html, xml, xls     html, xml, xls htmlxmlxls  
TimeMethod Time Method html, xml, xls html, xml, xls html, xml, xls      
TimeZone Time Zone html, xml, xls          
TypeOfAddress Type of Address html, xml, xls          
TypeOfConceptGroup Type of Concept Group html, xml, xls          
TypeOfInstrument Type of Instrument htmlxmlxls htmlxmlxls        
TypeOfNote Type of Note html, xml, xls          
TypeOfTelephone Type of Telephone html, xml, xls          

See latest versions