Specifies the type of date. The present list is based on ISO 8601 usage. The definitions for the codes listed in "Version Changes" were amended to increase clarity and improve usability. CODE DEFINITION AMENDED: DateTime Time Date GYearMonth GYear GMonthDay GDay GMonth Duration Timespan DDI 3.2 This is a standard XML date type code and supports the use of an external controlled vocabulary. Examples are date, dateTime, gYearMonth, gYear, and duration. Module Name Element Name reusable DateTypeCode DDI 2.5 For the category attribute, a value from a controlled vocabulary may be provided if the "other" value is chosen. In this case, the term from the controlled vocabulary should be placed in the "otherCategory" attribute, and the controlledVocabUsed element (in the Document Description section) should also be filled in. Element Number in DDI 2.1 Element/Attribute Name 4.3.23 varFormat@category Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ http://mirrors.creativecommons.org/presskit/buttons/88x31/png/by.png Copyright © DDI Alliance http://www.ddialliance.org/ 2018 DateType Date Type 1.1 urn:ddi-cv:DateType urn:ddi-cv:DateType:1.1 http://www.ddialliance.org/Specification/DDI-CV/DateType_1.1_Genericode1.0_DDI-CVProfile1.0.xml http://www.ddialliance.org/Specification/DDI-CV/DateType_1.1.html http://www.ddialliance.org/Specification/DDI-CV/DateType_1.1_InputSheet_Excel2003.xls DDI Alliance The Alliance for the Data Documentation Initiative DDI Code Value of the Code Term Descriptive Term of the Code Definition Definition of the Code CodeKey The unique identification of each item in a code list. DateTime DateTime Used to specify a date and time in the form "year, month, day, hour, minutes and seconds" (YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss). In a DateTime string expression, the time portion is preceded by a "T", for example, 2018-02-22T13:00:00. A time zone specification may be included either by entering the UTC date and time followed by a "Z", or by adding a positive or negative time after the stated time to indicate the offset from UTC time. For example, 1 pm U.S. Eastern Standard Time may be expressed as 2018-02-22T18:00:00Z, or as 2018-02-22T13:00:00-5:00. Time Time Used to specify a time in the form "hour, minutes and seconds" (hh:mm:ss). A time zone specification may be included either by entering the UTC time followed by a "Z", or by adding a positive or negative time after the stated time to indicate the offset from UTC time. For example, 1 pm U.S. Eastern Standard Time may be expressed as 18:00:00Z, or as 13:00:00-5:00. Date Date Used to specify a date in the form "year, month, day" (YYYY-MM-DD). A time zone specification may be included either by entering a UTC date followed by a "Z" or by adding a positive or negative time after the stated date to indicate the offset from UTC time. For example, February 20th, 2018 in Eastern Australia could be expressed as 2018-02-19Z, or as 2018-02-20+10:00. GYearMonth YearMonth Defines a part of a date - the year and month (YYYY-MM). GYear Year Defines a part of a date - the year (YYYY). GMonthDay MonthDay Defines a part of a date - the month and day (MM-DD). GDay Day Defines a part of a date - the day (DD). GMonth Month Defines a part of a date - the month (MM). Duration Duration Used to specify a time period or interval in the form "number of years, number of months, number of days, number of hours, number of minutes, and number of seconds, preceded by a "P" (PnYnMnDTnHnMnS). The letter "T" indicates the start of the time section. For example, P5Y2M10DT15H stands for a period of five years, two months, 10 days, and 15 hours. A period preceded by the minus sign ("-") will indicate a negative duration, for example, -P10D stands for a period of minus 10 days. Timespan Timespan The TimeSpan structure represents a length of time (duration of time or elapsed time), and may be expressed as start/end, start/duration, or duration/end. Start, end, and duration are documented using the designated DateTime structures. Examples: start/end 2018-02-22T13:00:00/2018-02-22T14:30:00; start/duration 2018-02-Approved: The TimeSpan structure represents a length of time (duration of time or elapsed time), and may be expressed as start/end, start/duration, or duration/end. Start, end, and duration are documented using the designated DateTime structures. Examples: start/end 2018-02-22T13:00:00/2018-02-22T14:30:00; start/duration 2018-02-22T13:00:00/1H30M; duration/end 1H20M/2018-02-22T14:30:00. For start/end expressions, if any element is missing from the end value, it is assumed to be the same as for the start value, including the time zone if used. For example, a two- hour meeting on 14 Dec 2007 can be represented as 2007-12-14T13:30:00/15:30:00, or 2007-12-14T13:30:00/2H. Other Other Use if the date type is known, but not found in the list.