
Found 1103 results
Smith D.  2019.  Implementing DDI 3.3 in Colectica Version 6.
Beuster B.  2019.  Improving metadata quality of the European Social Survey using DDI.
Rantala M.  2019.  Information management development and challenges of interoperability.
Wackerow J, Hoyle L.  2019.  Integrating Lifecycle Metadata into the R workflow - Implementing DDI4 in R.
Cox S, Gregory A, Hodson S, McEachern S, Wackerow J.  2019.  Interoperability of Metadata Standards in Cross-Domain Science, Health, and Social Science Applications II.
Fry J.  2019.  Introduction to DDI.
Manuel D.  2019.  Keeping metadata alive during health research analyses and reporting: Using an open science imperative to update the current metadata-sparse analysis approach .
Mowers S.  2019.  Labour Force Survey: Improved Bilingual Survey Access.
Huck J.  2019.  Leveraging language codes in a stylesheet transformation: OLAC (ISO 639-3) into MARC.
Hoyle L, Wackerow J.  2019.  Mapping DDI 2 to DDI 4.
Förster A, Borschewski K, Bolton S, Jääskeläinen T, Beeken J.  2019.  The Matter of Meta in Research Data Management.
Johnson J.  2019.  Metadata Disclosure Framework: open science vs privacy.
Caporali A.  2019.  Metadata Management in the Generations and Gender Programme (GGP).
Jensen U, Zenk-Möltgen W, Wasner C.  2019.  Metadatenstandards im Kontext sozialwissenschaftlicher Daten. Forschungsdatenmanagement sozialwissenschaftlicher Umfragedaten : Grundlagen und praktische Lösungen für den Umgang mit quantitativen Forschungsdaten.
Fry J, Cooper A, Mowers S, Carrington C.  2019.   Best Practices Document, Version 3.1.
Welch M, Dupriez O, Asghar M, Sharp M, Pontifex S.  2019.  Open Source Solutions for Curation and Dissemination: Introducing New Multi-Data and Multi-Standard World Bank Tools and Schemas.
Caporali A.  2019.  Opportunities and Challenges in Moving from DDI- Codebook to DDI-Lifecycle: the case of the Generations and Gender Programme.
Ala-Fossi J, Raerinne E, Seitamäki S, Heinonen M.  2019.  Penna - A Tool for Collecting Qualitative Textual Data.
Coordination SCanada Off.  2019.  The Picasso Project .
Gillman D.  2019.  A practical look at the DDI 4 methodology pattern .
Vilhuber L, Lagoze C.  2019.  Presentation: metajelo, a metadata package for journals to support external linked objects.
Mairot A.  2019.  The process of creating an in-house interface for converting Blaise output into DDI metadata.
Beuster B.  2019.  The Question Variable Database.
Norland S, Salini L, Orten H.  2019.  The Questionnaire Design and Documentation Tool.
Huck J.  2019.  Solve for X(ML): Transforming metadata to transform data access.