Using RDF to Describe and Link Social Science Data to Related Resources on the Web: Leveraging the Data Documentation Initiative (DDI) Model

TitleUsing RDF to Describe and Link Social Science Data to Related Resources on the Web: Leveraging the Data Documentation Initiative (DDI) Model
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication2012
AuthorsKramer S, Leahey A, Southall H, Vompras J, Wackerow J
Series TitleDDI Working Paper Series (Semantic Web)
Series Volume1
PublisherDDI Alliance

This paper looks at leveraging DDI to enable semantic linking of social science data to other data and related resources on the Web and is organized into five use cases: (1) Linking related publications; (2) Linking people and organizations; (3) Linking geography; (4) Linking related studies; (5) Linking to licenses.
