The Data Documentation Initiative (DDI) Standard: Managing Metadata for Longitudinal Data — Best Practices

TitleThe Data Documentation Initiative (DDI) Standard: Managing Metadata for Longitudinal Data — Best Practices
Publication TypePresentation
Year of Publication2010
AuthorsGregory A, Vardigan M, Wackerow J


This symposium-style workshop will bring together representatives from major longitudinal data collection efforts to share expertise and to explore the use of the DDI metadata standard as a means of managing and structuring longitudinal study documentation. Participants will work collaboratively to create best practices for documenting longitudinal data in its various forms, including panel data and repeated cross-sections.

Description of the workshop

Longitudinal survey data carry special challenges related to documenting and managing data over time, over geography, and across multiple languages. This complexity is often a barrier to building efficient systems for data access and analysis. The Data Documentation Initiative (DDI), a metadata standard that addresses the full life cycle of social science research data, is designed to provide an efficient structure for the documentation of complex longitudinal data. In this workshop, participants involved in longitudinal data projects around the world will work together on issues involved in documenting longitudinal data.

Intended audience: Individuals with expertise in longitudinal social science data; knowledge of DDI is desired but not required. The intent is to have a mix of participants with substantive and technical skills. Participants should provide access to materials describing their projects, which can serve as use cases in applying DDI. The workshop is in English.

Expected Results

Participants will write best practice papers, to be published in the DDI Working Paper Working Paper Series. Last year’s workshop produced a series of use case papers — see in particular Grouping of Survey Series Using DDI 3.