Colectica for Microsoft Excel is a free tool to document your spreadsheet data using the open standard for data documentation. Document Variables and Datasets: Colectica allows documenting of Variables, Code Lists, and Data Sets directly from within Microsoft Excel. Metadata is Embedded: Colectica saves your standards-based metadata directly in the Microsoft Excel file. If you email or share your file, the metadata will still be attached. Publish Documentation: Colectica for Excel can generate documentation for your Variables, Code Lists, and dataset in PDF, Word, HTML, and XSL-FO. Import Stata to Excel: Colectica for Excel allows direct importing and documenting of Stata data files, with a file extension .dta. The variable names, labels and code lists in the Stata file will also be imported and added to the stored documentation automatically. Import SPSS to Excel: Colectica for Excel allows direct importing and documenting of SPSS data files, with a file extension .sav. The variable names, labels and code lists in the SPSS file will also be imported and added to the stored documentation automatically. Create DDI-Lifecycle Metadata: Export your data documentation to an XML file in the DDI metadata format, the standard for data documentation. Open and edit it from Colectica Designer, Colectica Express, or other DDI applications.
A collection of xslt-stylesheets for DDI for transformation the metadata to other formats. Curren XSLT in development: DDI 3.1 to XHTML DDI 2.1 to RDF DDI 3.1 to datacite (development version )
Submitted by Wolfgang Zenk-M... on Fri, 2011-12-16 08:04
Developed by the Data Archive of GESIS, this tool imports SPSS data files; allows documentation of questions, sub-questions and answers; enables language-specific documentation; shows two languages concurrently on the screen; permits reuse of question documentation; exports into a DDI 2-compatible format, for Nesstar or long-term preservation; and exports into a DDI 3-compatible format, supporting enhanced publications.
Questasy is a web application developed to manage the documentation and dissemination of data and metadata for panel surveys. It manages questions and variables, including question reuse across multiple studies and longitudinal panels. It also manages concepts, publications, study information, and more. For administrators and project managers, Questasy provides an intuitive interface for managing the metadata. Questasy tracks downloads, and also easily integrates with web tracking applications (such as Google Analytics) to provide detailed statistics on site usage. For researchers, Questasy provides a fast, customizable, easy-to-use web interface for browsing and searching the metadata, and downloading the data. Researchers can also select the variables they are interested in and download a "custom basket" of variables, complete with a custom codebook for their selection. Codebooks are generated in both HTML for browsing and PDF for download/printing.