DDI Publications

Below are DDI-related publications, presentations, posters, working papers, and workshops. If you know about content not already listed, please see our Add Publications page.

Edwards M, Fry J, Granda P, Kolsrud K, Kramer S, Miller K, Nakao R, Vardigan M.  2009.  Implementation and Governance. DDI Working Paper Series (Best Practices).

This best practice covers the process of developing agreements and guidelines for implementation and governance of DDI as a metadata scheme for a community. The best practice recognizes that different...

Edwards M, Eisenhauer J, Fry J, Heus P, Kolsrud K, Moschner M, Nakao R, Thomas W.  2009.  Versioning and Publication. DDI Working Paper Series (Best Practices).

One of the objectives in creating DDI 3.0 was full machine-actionability. This requires strict versioning of objects so that users understand the change history of the resources they are using. This Best...

Granda P, Kramer S, Linnerud J, Marker HJorgen, Miller K, Vardigan M.  2009.  Controlled Vocabularies. DDI Working Paper Series (Best Practises).

The benefits of using controlled vocabularies, which offer consistency, precision, and interoperability, within DDI metadata creation are the primary underlying principles behind this best practice.


The Data Documentation Initiative (DDI) is an international effort to establish an XML-based metadata standard for datasets in the social and...

Gregory A, Heus P, Ryssevik J.  2009.  Metadata. German Council for Social and Economic Data Working Paper.