DDI Publications

Below are DDI-related publications, presentations, posters, working papers, and workshops. If you know about content not already listed, please see our Add Publications page.

Thomas W, Gregory A, Hamilton A.  2011.  Metadata Standards to Support Controlled Access to Microdata. United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE). Joint UNECE/Eurostat work session on statistical data confidentiality.

Despite the potential benefits of providing access to microdata, NSOs face many challenges. They must consider the legal issues around microdata control and access, confidentiality/privacy concerns, and the costs associated with preparing public...


Arisddi is a DDI editor for the Macintosh, Windows, and Linux operating systems. Using a graphical user interface, users can build DDI codebooks using the full DDI 2.1 specification. No knowledge of XML is required. Support for DDI 2.5 and 3.1 is...