Conference Presentations: EDDI

DDI on Rails

By Hebing, Marcel. 2014

An Open Source, DDI_Based Data Curation System for Social Science Data

By Peer, Limor, Ann Green, Jeremy Iverson, Niall Keleher, Dan Smith, Stephanie Wykstra. 2014

Creating a Joint Metadata Domain for the Social Sciences and Humanities in Europe

By Wasner, Catharina, Stephanie Roth, Olof Olsson. 2014

Use of DDI at Insee

By Duffes, Guillaume. 2014

Progress in the Use of DDI, SDMX, GSBPM, and Other Standards Inside and Outside of Statistics Denmark

By Nielsen, Mogens Grosen, Anne Sofie Kjeldgaard, Jannik Vestergaard Jensen. 2014

The Copenhagen Mapping - GSIM 1.1 and DDI 3.2

By Smith, Dan, Jannik Vestergaard Jensen, Mogens Grosen Nielsen. 2014

Application of DDI Comparison Capabilities to a Multi-Site Sexual Behaviour Data Harmonisation Exercise

By Kanjala, Chifundo, Tito Castillo, Gareth Knight, Jim Todd, David Beckles, Basia Zaba. 2014

Leveraging DDI 3.2 to Power a Harmonized Data Extraction Tool for MIDUS

By Radler, Barry, Jeremy Iverson, Dan Smith. 2014

The DASISH Question Variable Data Base: Developments and Outlook

By Bakkmoen, Hフvard Venge, Hilde Orten, Benjamin Beuster. 2014

A Common Metadata Understanding for the Three DASISH Survey Tools

By Orten, Hilde, Taina Jハハskelハinen, Edwin de Vet, Brita Dorer. 2014

The DASISH Translation Management Tool: Adapting Existing Software to DDI

By Martens, Maurice, Brita Dorer, Taina Jハハskelハinen. 2014

Collaborative Editing and Versioning of DDI Metadata: The Latest from Cornell's NCRN CED2AR Software

By Perry, Benjamin, Venkata Kambhampaty, Kyle Brumsted, William C. Block. 2014

An Integrated, Open Source Data Archiving System

By Du_a, Adrian, Sorin Milutinovici, Cosmin Rentea, Letitia Velcescu. 2014

DDI on Rails - version 1.0

By Hebing, Marcel. 2014

Generating Database and Domain Models from DDI 4

By Hopt, Oliver, Brigitte Mathiak. 2014

Let's Disco - Publish Your DDI Metadata as Linked Data

By Bosch, Thomas, Benjamin Zapilko. 2014

A Hands-On, Practical Introduction to DDI Using Colectica

By Iverson, Jeremy, Dan Smith. 2014

Working with the STARDAT DDI-Lifecycle Library

By M゚hlbauer, Alexander. 2014

Colectica for Excel: Bringing DDI to Excel

By Iverson, Jeremy, Dan Smith. 2014

New Features in EpiData - Among Others Exporting from Epidata to DDI 3.1 and Easy Archiving

By Stenvig, Bodil, Henrik Sejersen, Torsten Bonde Christiansen, Jens Lauritsen. 2014

To 3.2 or Not to 3.2? That is the Question.

By Wendy Thomas, Jon Johnson. 2013

The Medical Research Council Gateway

By Philip Curran, Peter Dukes, Caroline Shriver, Catherine Jones, Alastair Duncan, Alex Addyman. 2013

Proposal for a DDI Data Discovery Model

By Jay Greenfield. 2013

Building a Harmonized Data Market for Longitudinal Data with MIDUS and DDI

By Barry Radler, Jeremy Iverson, Dan Smith. 2013

Early Implementation of DDI Lifecycle on the Integrated Version of the Cornell National Social Survey

By Florio Arguillas, Jeremy Williams, William Block, Warren Brown. 2013

Harmonizing Between Different Agencies Using DDI Profiles

By David Schiller, Ingo Barkow, Marcel Hebing. 2013

DDI in Denmark

By Jannik Jensen, Mogens Grosen Nielsen. 2013

Open Source DDI-L Search

By Jannik Jensen. 2013

Modelling an Evolving, Geospatial SKOS Code List

By Ornulf Risnes, Ole Voldster. 2013

A New CESSDA Portal for European Research Data Discovery

By Ornulf Risnes, John Shepherdson, Pascal Heus. 2013

New Tools for Complex Surveys: the DASISH Questionnaire Design Documentation Tool and Question Variable Data Base

By Hilde Orten, Hvard Venge Bakkmoen, Yvette Prestage, Sally Widdop. 2013

GSIM and DDI: Working Together

By Therese Lalor, Guillaume Duffes. 2013

Common Statistical Production Architecture

By Therese Lalor, Arofan Gregory. 2013

Standardized Quality Declarations with DDI, SDMX, and Colectica

By Mogens Nielsen, Jeremy Iverson, Dan Smith. 2013

Colectica 5: A New Generation of Open Metadata Tools

By Jeremy Iverson, Dan Smith. 2013

Data Model and Data Standard - a Happy Marriage?

By Oliver Hopt, Mathiak Brigitte. 2013

Encoding Provenance of Social Science Data: Integrating PROV with DDI. 2014.

By Lagoze, Carl; Williams, Jeremy; Vilhuber, Lars; Block, William. 2013

Encoding Provenance of Social Science Data: Integrating PROV with DDI [full paper]

By Carl Lagoze, Jeremy Williams, Lars Vilhuber, William Block. 2013

RODA's Open-Source Web Platform for DDI

By Adrian Dusa, Cosmin Rentea. 2013

Using DDI within a Data Archive - the SND Case Study

By Johan Fihn, Olof Olsson. 2013

An Update on the Rogatus Platform

By Ingo Barkow, David Schiller. 2013


By Jannik Jensen. 2013

Mapping DDI-RDF Discovery - a Hackathon Story

By Olof Olsson, Jannik Vestergaard Jensen. 2013

Data and Metadata Management using DDI

By Thomas, Wendy, Marcel Hebing. 2012

Nesstar: An Adaptable and Programmable DDI-based Dissemination Platform

By Bidargaddi, Archana V., Ricco Forgaard, Ornulf Risnes. 2012

An Early Prototype of the Comprehensive Extensible Data Documentation and Access Repository (CED2AR)

By Block, William C., Jeremy Williams, John Abowd, Lars Vilhuber, Carl Lagoze. 2012

Semantic categorization of DDI metadata

By Bunakov, Vasily. 2012

Issues around implementing DDI in a survey organisation

By Corbett, Joan Mary, Roger Stafford. 2012

Implementation of the DdiEditor in DDA

By Fink, Anne Sofie. 2012

70 Years of UK Birth Cohort Data into DDI Lifecycle?

By Gierl, Claude, Jon Johnson. 2012

Resource Discovery for Official Statistics

By Gregory, Arofan, Marion Wittenberg. 2012

REDCap and DDI

By Hoyle, Larry. 2012

Powering Official Statistics at Statistics New Zealand with DDI-L and Colectica: a case study

By Brown, Adam, Jeremy Iverson, Dan Smith, Sally Vermaaten. 2012

Generic Statistical Information Model

By Lalor, Therese, Steven Vale. 2012

DDI-L in the Production of Official Statistics

By Nielsen, Mogens Grosen, Jannik Jensen. 2012

DDI-Lifecycle Infrastructure at DDA

By Jensen, Jannik . 2012

Colectica: Data Management with DDI 3

By Iverson, Jeremy, Dan Smith. 2012


By Jensen, Jannik . 2012


By Jensen, Jannik . 2012

Nesstar Toolkit

By Risnes, Ornulf . 2012

Invitation to EDDI13

By Silberman, Roxanne . 2012

Announcement of 1. NADDI

By Hoyle, Larry . 2012

Hands on DDI 3 with Colectica

By Iverson, Jeremy, Dan Smith. 2012

Building applications with the Nesstar API

By Bidargaddi, Archana V.. 2012

CIMES: A Tool for Describing European Official Statistics Microdata

By Fleureux, Raphaelle, Cyril Jayet, Arnaud Szulek. 2012

Towards a DDI Backend Architecture - Sharing DDI-related Software Modules

By Zloch, Matthaus , Thomas Bosch, Dennis Wegener. 2012

Integrating DDI Metadata into your Research Process

By Iverson, J., Corbett J., Kuan S., Rahim A., Thomas W. . 2011

Documenting Register Data for Research Purposes

By Johnson, M., Notkola I. . 2011

DDI at the Australian Data Archive

By McEachern, S., Mitchell D., Evans, B.,Delgado-Friedrichs, O.. 2011

Dissemination of Survey (Meta-)Data Using Questasy

By Streefkerk, M., Elshout, S., Amin, A., de Vet, E. . 2011

Structured Metadata for Reuse

By Wittenberg, M., Karjalainen M. . 2011

Metadata Driven Survey Design

By Iverson, Jeremy. 2010

DDI at the Swedish National Data Service

By Fihn, J, Olsson, O,Alfredsson, I &Marker,H. . 2010

A query-based access system using DDI and SDMX

By McIntosh, Don (presented by Arofan Gregory). 2010

Putting DDI to Work for You

By Thomas, Wendy. 2010

Challenges for Data Intensive Research

By Wittenburg, Peter. 2010

DataCite: Making Data Citable

By Zenk Moltgen, W,Hausstein, B &Brase, J. . 2010

The STARDAT Project: Integrating DDI Tools at the GESIS Data Archive

By Linne, Muehlbauer, A &Zenk-Moltgen, H.. 2010

Controlled vocabularies for DDI and other metadata structures - an update

By Moschner , M,Jaaseklainen, T &Wackerow, J.. 2010

Keeping up with Questasy

By Amin, Alerk. 2010

Usage of an DDI Structure in the NEPS Data Warehouse

By Barkow, I., Kirchner, M., Thalheimer, A. . 2009

The Case of CHARMCATS: Use of DDI3 for Publishing Harmonisation Routines

By Friedrichs, M., Agache, A., Quandt, M. . 2009

Editing DDI

By Jensen, J. . 2009

Exploring DDI3 in an Archive

By Kleemola, M., Heinonen, M. . 2009

Controlled Vocabularies for DDI3 - A Work in Progress

By Moschner, M., Jaaskelainen, T. . 2009