Seeking nominations for temporary working group to propose a restructuring of the DDI Scientific Board

The DDI Alliance would like to improve the structure and organization of the Scientific Board, which is the scientific and technical body of the Alliance.  At the 2019 Annual Meeting of the Scientific Board, a temporary working group was approved to propose a restructuring and to draft changes to the Alliance Bylaws.  This work is to be completed in advance of the May 2020 annual meeting, when the finalized proposal will be discussed and voted on.  Participation in the temporary working group will involve several conference calls and one in-person meeting.  The temporary working group will be chaired by Ingo Barkow, current Vice Chair of the Scientific Board.  

We are seeking 4-5 participants for the working group.  We are especially interested in a diverse representation, including individuals new to DDI.  All member institutions may nominate an individual to participate on the temporary working group.  To submit nominations, please email names to by 13 December.  The DDI Executive Board will make the final selection of working group members.

A Birds-of-a-Feather session at the December 3-4 European DDI (EDDI) conference will include discussion about the temporary working group.  Interested members attending EDDI are invited to participate in the session.