
The Questionnaire Design and Development Tool – QDDT is an interactive and dynamic web-based tool.

QDDT was developed to assists researchers to document and retrieve information on the complex process of designing thematic modules for a conceptual instrument (instrument independent of population or mode), for example for a cross-national survey. The tool is open source, available online for download for all.

The purpose of the tool is to:

  • Improve the efficiency of the questionnaire design process. 
    • Provide a means of managing the design process.
    • Tracking the development of question items over different stages of pre-testing and review.
    • Incorporating input from multiple stakeholders.
  • Develop concepts and questions that form basis for generating the final field ready questionnaire.
  • Improve the transparency of the questionnaire design process.
  • Facilitate knowledge transfer and reuse both within the same survey infrastructure across time and across different survey infrastructures.
  • Serve as an archive of survey metadata, including the rationale behind questions, results from pre-testing as well as the final questions, providing a complete and searchable record of the design process. Externally published content is accessible for all.
  • Export to other tools.
  • Developed primarily with the European Social Survey in mind. However, it is anticipated that the tool will also be usable by other national and cross-national surveys.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s FP7 Infrastructures programme under grant agreement No 283646 and the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 654221.

Tool Purpose: 
Questionnaire designer
In production
GPL v3.0
Name(s) of institution(s): 
Norwegian Centre for Research Data - NSD
ESS HQ, City University of London
Name(s) of individual author(s)/programmer(s): 
Stig Norland
Yong Liu
Dag Ø. Heradstveit
Håvard V. Bakkmoen
Knut Kalgraff Skjåk
Benjamin Beuster
Hilde Orten
Sarah Butt
Yvette Prestage
Virginia Roos
Sally Widdop
Joachim Wackerow
Operating system requirements
If other, please describe:: 
The QDDT is designed as a web-based tool. The tool is intended for use on a desktop computer running an up to date web browser. The current version of the tool has been developed and tested using Chrome, FireFox, Edge, Opera & Safari (2015+ editions).
Supported Operating Systems: 
Latest Version: 
Exports DDI XML: 