Update on DDI 4 project management and consultants

Dear DDI community

In December, I wrote to update you on DDI work product development, including plans to release a prototype of the DDI 4 specification in mid-2018. (The full message is posted on the Alliance web site: http://www.ddialliance.org/announcement/update-on-ddi-work-product-development.)

I'm writing now to update you about two new hires we've made to help with the DDI 4 prototype release. Both are one-year, term-limited positions, and were approved by the DDI Executive Board.

1) DDI 4 project manager (Kelly Chatain) --  This position collaborates with the several DDI 4 working groups, including the modeling team and the Technical Committee, to insure a coordinated and timely prototype release.  Kelly is an active DDI community member and is knowledgeable about the technical side of DDI development work.  She has moderated several Dagstuhl "Moving Forward" workshops, is chair of the Web Site working group, and is involved in the Marketing and Partnerships working group. Kelly is posting DDI 4 project management activities and updates here: https://ddi-alliance.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DDI4/pages/491651/Project+Management.

2) RDF consultant (Eric Prud'hommeaux) -- DDI 4 has the goal of being expressed in multiple bindings, including but not limited to XML Schema and RDFS/OWL. The Alliance requested assistance to provide the basic work on the creation of the RDFS/OWL binding of the UML model. Eric Prud'hommeaux, an engineer at the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), has been selected as the expert consultant to develop concepts, select appropriate techniques, and give general advice regarding questions in the area of Semantic Web technologies.  RDFS/OWL activities are being documented here: https://ddi-alliance.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DDI4/pages/246874113/RDFS+OWL+Team.

Additionally, in November, the Executive Board recommended that the previous DDI 4 Advisory Group be updated so it moves primarily into a project management role.  This included updating the group membership to:

  • Project manager (Kelly Chatain)
  • Executive Board chair (Steve McEachern)
  • Scientific Board chair (Joachim Wackerow)
  • Technical Board chair (Wendy Thomas)
  • Executive Director (Jared Lyle)

After the mid-2018 prototype release, the Advisory Group composition and functions will be reevaluated. I want to personally thank past Advisory Group members Larry Hoyle, Dan Gillman, and Jon Johnson for actively contributing to the Advisory Group these past two or more years. And since all continue to lead or significantly contribute to DDI 4 development, they are still actively involved in the community.

Feel free to contact me with questions or comments.

Jared Lyle
Director, DDI Alliance
ICPSR, University of Michigan