EDDI Conference Held in Lausanne

EDDI17, the 9th Annual European DDI User Conference, took place December 5-6, 2017, in Lausanne, Switzerland. The conference was hosted by FORS - Swiss Centre of Expertise in the Social Sciences, and organized jointly by FORS, GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, and IDSC of IZA - International Data Service Center of the Institute for the Study of Labor.

There were nearly 100 participants from over 50 organisations and 20 countries. The conference program included 28 presentations and 6 posters, 3 tutorials, and 2 side meetings. Keynote addresses were given by Ron Dekker ("DDI Is Not Enough"), and Ingo Barkow ("Research Data Management in Switzerland - a National Perspective").

Save the date for the next EDDI!

EDDI2018 will be hosted by SOEP (The Socio-Economic Panel) at DIW (German Institute for Economic Research) in Berlin, Germany December 4-5, 2018.