Data Documentation Initiative (DDI) - Train the Trainers

TitleData Documentation Initiative (DDI) - Train the Trainers
Publication TypePresentation
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsJohnson J, Smith D, Thomas W, Wackerow J

The Data Documentation Initiative (DDI) is an international standard for describing the data produced by surveys and other observational methods in the social, behavioral, economic, and health sciences. DDI can document and manage different stages in the research data lifecycle, such as conceptualization, collection, processing, distribution, discovery, and archiving.

The goal of this workshop is to build up more training capacity on DDI. The new trainers should then be able to teach specific tutorials for their institution or general purpose tutorials for a broader audience.

The participants will work mainly through existing training material with the instructors to build a modular training material body. This material will include slides, examples, and text. The work will be partially organized in working groups. By this approach, participants will get deeper knowledge on DDI and build collaboratively the modular training body.

The modular structure of the material should allow teaching of tutorials for various purposes (like data collection, archive, metadata-driven approach) or a combination of these. It should be also suitable for multiple audiences.

The content will cover DDI Codebook, DDI Lifecycle, and ideas of DDI 4 (in development). An approach across versions will be possible for some areas.

The modular structure of the material should allow reuse for different purposes, possibly also for self-teaching material and general documentation. The material will use a technical format which supports these ideas (like reStructuredText, used format of the DDI 4 documentation).

The training material will be provided with under the conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution license. The material can be then reused and changed in future by other instructors.