
Found 1108 results
Group DDITraining.  2021.  DDI Identification and Versioning.
Orten H, Hoyle L.  2021.  The DDI4 Core - how to document data from different structures?
Lenoir J, Baron J, Caporali A.  2021.  Developing a DDI-based Online Data Catalogue Using the Software NADA.
Cotton F, Gregory A.  2021.  Dissemination of contextualized statistical information: achieving interoperability between DDI-CDI and NGSI-LD.
Lavender K, Ionescu S.  2021.  Documenting Variable Comparability with DDI- Lifecycle.
De S, Moss H, Jabbari S, Pereira H, Johnson J, Li J.  2021.  Engineering a Machine Learning Pipeline for Automating Metadata Extraction from Longitudinal Survey Questionnaires.
Fry J, Gregory A, Lyle J, Radler B, Hodson S.  2021.  European DDI Conference 2021 Training Fair. Track 1: Discovering DDI.
Fry J, Dusa A.  2021.  European DDI Conference 2021: Training Fair. Track 2A: DDI Codebook tutorial.
Thomas W, Mills H, Kulla K, Beuster B.  2021.  European DDI Conference 2021: Training Fair. Track 2B: DDI Lifecycle tutorial.
Gregory A, Gillman D.  2021.  European DDI Conference 2021: Training Fair. Track 2C: DDI Cross Domain Integration (DDI-CDI) tutorial.
Dolinar M, Moilanen K, Tuominen M, Beuster B.  2021.  Exploring upgrade options for the CESSDA Data Catalogue.
Klas C-P, Hopt O, Krämer T, Nugraha S.  2021.  From Documentation to Search for Questions for Small Service Provider in DDI.
van Kesteren E-J.  2021.  Generating synthetic data on the basis of metadata.
Martens C, Flügel A-L, Kleemola M.  2021.  Harvesting DDI for an integrated catalogue.
Gregory A, Hodson S, Danciu A.  2021.  Implementing FAIR: What DDI Can Do for You!.
Cummins C.  2021.  Improving Metadata in the CSO, Ireland.
Rekola E, Niskanen O.  2021.  Integrating DDI validation into daily workflow at FSD.
Gregory A, Hodson S, Orten H, Wackerow J.  2021.  Interoperability for Cross-Domain Research: Use Cases for Metadata Standards.
Group DDITraining.  2021.  Introducing Question and Instrument Structures.
Danciu A, Gregory A.  2021.  Introduction to Metadata for Research Data Management: A Data Documentation Initiative (DDI) Perspective.
Sissala T.  2021.  Kuha2 - Open Source Metadata Server.
Gallis Q.  2021.  Listening to our data users: A qualitative study to better know their perception of our data and metadata.
Rizzolo F, Sanjari F.  2021.  Making metadata FAIR: Combining DDI solutions with other standards in official statistics.
Han X, Saalbach C, Wenzig K.  2021.  Open Data Format: Metadata enriched, non- proprietary data format for data dissemination.
Pétorin E.  2021.  Providing data at the National Archive of Data from Official Statistics (ADISP).