
Found 1108 results
Yonekura Y.  2013.  Easy DDI Organizer (EDO) - Open Source Survey Planning and Metadata Management Software.
Lagoze C, Williams J, Vilhuber L, Block W.  2013.  Encoding Provenance of Social Science Data: Integrating PROV with DDI.
Lagoze C, Williams J, Vilhuber L, Block W.  2013.  Encoding Provenance of Social Science Data: Integrating PROV with DDI.
[Anonymous].  2013.  An established international metadata standard: The Data Documentation Initiative (DDI). Understanding research infrastructures in the social sciences.
Crabtree J, Kellam L.  2013.  Expansion of the Odum Institute Dataverse Network: Forming Partnerships, Harnessing Infrastructures, and increasing Preservation of Research Data.
Gregory A, Thomas W, Wackerow J.  2013.  Facilitating Process and Metadata-Driven Automation in the Social, Economic, and Behavioural Sciences with the Data Documentation Initiative (DDI).
Jensen J, Fink ASofie.  2013.  From Curation to Publication of DDI-L Metadata.
Smith D, Iverson J.  2013.  Generating Blaise Surveys from the Data Documentation Initiative's Metadata Standard using Colectica .
Barkow I, Block W, Greenfield J, Gregory A, Hebing M, Hoyle L, Zenk-Möltgen W.  2013.  Generic Longitudinal Business Process Model. DDI Working Paper Series (Longitudinal Best Practice).
Lalor T, Vale S, Gregory A.  2013.  Generic Statistical Information Model (GSIM).
Lalor T, Duffes G.  2013.  GSIM and DDI: Working Together.
Iverson J, Smith D.  2013.  Hands on DDI 3 with Colectica.
Schiller D, Barkow I, Hebing M.  2013.  Harmonizing Between Different Agencies Using DDI Profiles.
Mühlbauer A.  2013.  Historization and Versioning of DDILifecycle Metadata Objects - Findings in the STARDAT Project.
Gierl C, Johnson J.  2013.  How Do We Manage Complex Questions in the Context of the Large-Scale Ingest of Legacy Paper Questionnaires into DDI Lifecycle? DDI Working Paper Series (Other Topics).
Gierl C, Johnson J.  2013.  How Do We Manage Complex Questions in the Context of the LargeScale Ingest of Legacy Paper Questionnaires into DDI-Lifecycle?
Olsson O, Jensen J, Fihn J, Jakobsson S, Olsbanning A.  2013.  How would you like to have your DDI today?
Duffes G, Wall S.  2013.  Implementing DDI Profiles at a National Statistical Office: Experiences at INSEE and ABS.
Block W, Williams J, Vilhuber L, Lagoze C, Brown W, Abowd J.  2013.  Improving User Access to Metadata for Public and Restricted Use US Federal Statistical Files.
Smith D.  2013.  Integrating Colectica, Nesstar, and DDI-Lifecycle Pt 1.
Risnes Ø.  2013.  Integrating Colectica, Nesstar, and DDI-Lifecycle Pt2: Nesstar - a Dissemination Toolkit.
Corti L, Bell D, Martinez A.  2013.  Integrating DDI with Metadata for Qualitative Data: Fully Implementing the QuDEx Standard.
Thomas W.  2013.  Introducing OAIS and DDI into an on-going research process: The MPC experience.
Cuneo P.  2013.  Keynote: Why National Statistical Institutes are Increasingly Interested in Standards .
Risnes Ø.  2013.  Learn How to Use the Nesstar REST API. Use Javascript and HTML to Bring Your DDI Metadata and the Power of Nesstar to Your Website.