
Found 1108 results
Harrigan A, Farnel S, Vashishtha S.  2016.  Bridging the divide between Special Collections and contemporary research data description.
Kleemola M, Zenk-Möltgen W, Etheridge A.  2016.  Building a Metadata Portfolio for CESSDA.
Priddy M, Kvamme T, Wittenberg M, Hoogerwerf M.  2016.  A Capability Development Model for Assessing and Improving Distributed Infrastructures and their Services.
Barkow I.  2016.  The Challenges of Metadata Management in Computer-Based Surveys and Assessments. Institute of Education. Information and Communication Technologies in Education:222.
Ionescu S.  2016.  Controlled Vocabularies Published by the DDI Alliance.
Orten H, Norland S, Heradstveit DOstgulen, Skjak KKagraff.  2016.  The DASISH Questionnaire Design Documentation Tool: a tool for documenting questionnaire design under development.
Hoyle L, Vardigan M, Greenfield J, Hume S, Ionescu S, Iverson J, Kunze J, Radler B, Thomas W, Weibel S et al..  2016.  DDI and Enhanced Data Citation. IASSIST Quarterly. 39(3)
Wackerow J.  2016.  DDI and Its Role in Modernizing Official Statistics. Sixth Session of the Statistical Commission of Organisation of Islamic Cooperation.
Hoyle L, Wackerow J.  2016.  DDI as a Common Format for Export and Import for Statistical Packages. IASSIST Quarterly. 39(3)
Motegi A.  2016.  DDI implementation at the SSJDA.
Gregory A, Lyle J, McEachern S, Thomas W, Wackerow J, Zapilko B.  2016.  DDI Moving Forward: Facilitating Interoperability and Collaboration with Other Metadata Standards.
Edwards M, Gregory A, Thomas W, Wackerow J.  2016.  DDI Moving Forward: Improvement and Refinement of Selected Areas.
Dubois T., Duffes G.  2016.  DDI Questionnaire Modelling. UNECE Workshop on Implementing Standards for Statistical Modernisation.
Hebing M.  2016.  DDI Tools Session: No Tools, No Standard.
Edwards M.  2016.  DDI Website Renewal: The good, the bad, and the ugly.
Heus P, DeCarlo A.  2016.  Delivering Open Data and Statistics as a Service.
Amin A, Barkow I, Kramer S, Schiller D, Williams J.  2016.  Design Considerations for DDI-Based Data Systems. IASSIST Quarterly. 39(3)
Lau J.  2016.  Developing metadata and documentation for the Child Data Centre of Alberta (CDCA), a data sharing platform to facilitate secondary research.
Iverson J, Smith D.  2016.  Document Questionnaires and Datasets with DDI: A Hands-On Introduction with Colectica.
Smith D, Iverson J.  2016.  Document Questionnaires and Datasets with DDI: A hands-on introduction with Colectica.
Laliberte L.  2016.  Documenting & Managing Your Data With Dataverse.
Farnel S, Huck J.  2016.  Documenting Open Data: Metadata for Discovery, Access and Reuse.
Wenzig K.  2016.  Documenting Panel Data Using DDI.
McEachern S, McDougall J, Lessor H.  2016.  Embedding Metadata in the Research Process - Archives as Partners in Data Production.
Danciu A, Mairot A.  2016.  Enhancing the quality of metadata: harmonising with DDI-Lifecycle.