
Found 1108 results
Radler B, Iverson J, McChesney S, Smith D.  2017.  A DDI-driven Conference Evaluation Research Project.
Klas C-P, Hopt O, Mühlbauer A.  2017.  DDI-FlatDB: Next steps.
Worthington K.  2017.  Developing a DDI-Driven Data Visualization Application in Dataverse.
Weldon K, Powell BM.  2017.  Discovering the Archive – An Overview of the Collection at the Roper Center for Public Opinion Research at Cornell University.
Iverson J, Smith D.  2017.  Document Questionnaires and Datasets with DDI: A Hands-On Introduction with Colectica.
Iverson J, Smith D.  2017.  Document Questionnaires and Datasets with DDI: A Hands-On Introduction with Colectica.
Zenk-Möltgen W, Borschewski K.  2017.  Documenting non-survey data in the Social Sciences with DDI-Lifecycle.
Thomas W, Johnson J, Duffes G.  2017.  Documenting Questions: A crash course.
Gillman D, Hubener E, Noel R, Rigg B, Rojas A, Tan L, Wilson T.  2017.  Documenting the Consumer Expenditure Surveys with DDI and Colectica – An Update.
Hopt O, Klas C-P, Zenk-Möltgen W, Mühlbauer A.  2017.  Efficient and flexible DDI handling for the development of multiple applications.
Peuch B.  2017.  Elaborating an XML crosswalk between DDI and EAD for an emerging data archive service.
Carrino C.  2017.  An Enterprise Codebook: Using DDI to Represent the Metadata of Multiple Survey Programs Conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau.
Lagoze C, Vilhuber L, Block W, Brumsted K, Simmer C, Barker B.  2017.  Experiments with Crowdsourcing Metadata in a Social Science Environment.
Thomas W.  2017.  Getting Started with DDI.
Klas C-P, Hopt O, Mühlbauer A.  2017.  Lessons Learned with Additional Mappings into DDI- FlatDB.
Barkow I.  2017.  Metadata in the Educational Sciences.
Kowalski BT.  2017.  Metadata-driven Gamification: Exploring a New System for Crowdsourcing Antebellum History.
Wenzig K.  2017.  Next Time Try Recycling - What Reusable Metadata (Should) Look Like.
Fihn J.  2017.  No tools, No standard. An introduction to standards based tools.
Duffes G.  2017.  Overview of the RMéS project.
Wildeman C.  2017.  The past, present, and future of the National Data Archive on Child Abuse and Neglect.
Brvar IVipavc, Bolko I.  2017.  Perspectives on the Implementation of the CESSDA Metadata Model.
Stevenson K.  2017.  The Picasso project.
Akdeniz E, Zenk-Möltgen W.  2017.  Practical Implementations of the DDILimDAS Results at the GESIS Data Archive.
Iverson J.  2017.  Preparing Data Files for Preservation with Colectica Datasets.