Re-establishing the DDI Marketing Group and seeking new leadership

Dear DDI community,


At the May DDI Annual meeting, the Executive Board was charged with re-establishing the Marketing Working Group. We are writing to keep members informed about progress and to find new leadership for the working group.


The Alliance has undergone significant changes over the last 5 years, and it is evident that our Marketing challenge is moving from a situation where we support three mature products (DDI-Codebook, DDI Controlled Vocabularies and DDI-Lifecycle) to one where we now support two additional products (XKOS and STDL) and future products, such as DDI-CDI.


We strongly believe that it is time to take stock of this new landscape, better understand the current and future needs of our membership and of the wider community we support, and assist the Executive Board in helping to prioritise the Marketing effort as part of a wider review of our future strategic plan.


In order to achieve this, the Executive Board has drafted a new mission statement for the Marketing Working Group, which includes:


  • Market Identification and Audiences
  • Highlight DDI Strengths for Each Audience, and
  • DDI Promotion to Different Audiences.


We are now making a call for a person(s) with significant marketing experience from the DDI and/or data management community to lead this new work as part of a revitalised Marketing Working Group. The Executive Board is able to provide funding to support this role should it be required.


Please contact if you are interested or have questions. 

Jon Johnson
Chair, Executive Board