Members selected for temporary working group to propose a restructuring of the Scientific Board

Dear DDI community,

I am pleased to announce the members of the temporary working group to propose a restructuring of the Scientific Board.  Members include:

  • Jane Fry (Carleton University and DDI Training Working Group co-chair)
  • Dan Gillman (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics)
  • Jon Johnson (CLOSER and DDI Technical Committee vice-chair)
  • Ron Nakao (Stanford)
  • Hilde Orton (NSD)
  • Nicolas Sauger (Sciences Po)
  • Wendy Thomas (Minnesota Population Center and DDI Technical Committee chair)
The goal is to restructure the Scientific Board so it is active and engaged throughout the year -- beyond the annual meeting -- and optimally functioning as the scientific and technical body of the Alliance.  Ingo Barkow, current vice chair of the Scientific Board, will chair the working group; Achim Wackerow, chair of the Scientific Board, and I will also participate.
Participants will engage in several conference calls and one in-person meeting.  Work will be completed in advance of the May 2020 annual meeting, when the finalized proposal will be discussed and voted on.  Thanks to all participants for their service.

Jared Lyle
Executive Director, DDI Alliance
ICPSR, University of Michigan

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