DDI Executive Board Election Results

DDI member representatives voted in May 2022 to elect one member to fll Joachim (Achim) Wackerow's vacancy on the DDI Executive Board. Twenty-three of the 28 voting eligible DDI member representatives participated in the election. According to the Alliance Bylaws, the election is decided on the basis of those candidates getting the most votes.

The election results (number of votes are indicated in parentheses):

The Executive Board is composed of seven voting members: six elected by the Designated Member representatives and one member appointed by the Host Institution. Members serve for a term of four years. The Executive Director serves as an ex officio member, without vote. The Executive Board is the policymaking and oversight body of the Alliance.

I want to thank Libby for accepting the nomination and for her willingness to serve on the Board.  Libby's biosketch and position statement are listed below.  I also want to thank Achim Wackerow for his many years of service on the DDI Executive Board.



Jared Lyle
Executive Director, DDI Alliance
ICPSR, University of Michigan


Dr. Libby Bishop


Dr. Libby Bishop is the Coordinator for International Data Infrastructures in the Data Archive for the Social Sciences at GESIS Leibniz-Institute for Social Sciences in Germany. GESIS is a service provider to the Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives (CESSDA). She manages the relationship between GESIS and CESSDA, leads a project that is building a resource for repository staff, and coordinates additional projects between GESIS and other European research data infrastructures on topics such as digital behavioral data. She is also Team Leader of the GESIS Metadata Standards and Interoperability Team. She recently completed a task on developing remote secure access for sensitive data within the European Open Science Cloud initiative via the Social Sciences and Humanities Open Cloud Project. Prior to coming to GESIS in 2017, she worked at the UK Archive for almost 15 years, focusing on expanding reuse of qualitative data. Her research explores the methodological and ethical challenges posed when curating data for sharing and reuse.

Position Statement

In my career with data, I have worked near, but not directly with, DDI. I look forward to deepening my knowledge and leveraging my other experiences to support the strategic goals of the DDI Alliance. One of those goals is engagement with global digital research infrastructures, and I believe my (human) network spanning the US, the UK, Germany, and other European countries will be useful. A second goal concerns integrating new forms of data. I learned lessons (some the hard way) in integrating qualitative data at UKDA, and this learning continues with new forms of non-survey data at GESIS, especially social media data. Finally, perhaps some of my training experiences and knowledge of resources (e.g., a guide for making training videos) will prove relevant for the strategic goals related to training.