DDI Alliance Scientific Work Plan, 2021-2022

Dear DDI community,

The Scientific Board of the DDI Alliance is pleased to announce its finalized Scientific Work Plan, 2021-2022.  The Scientific Work Plan is created by the Scientific Board within the frames of the DDI Alliance Strategic Plan, 2021-2023, based on input from the Working Groups and the Technical Committee. We would like to thank the Working Groups and the Technical Committee, as well as the DDI Scientific Community at large, for input to and feedback on this new plan.

The Scientific Work Plan is divided into four sections:

I. Proceedings and Workflow of the new Scientific Board internally and externally

II. Reachable Short-Term Goals for 2021 and 2022

III. Preparations of issues to be covered within the next Scientific Plan for 2023

IV. Long Term Vision for DDI products and processes

We are looking forward to working together with the Working Groups and Committees as well as with the DDI Scientific Community at large, within the frames of the new Scientific Work Plan.

Thank you very much to everyone for your great contribution to the scientific work of the DDI Alliance!

Best wishes,

Ingo and Hilde

Chair and Vice-Chair of the DDI Alliance Scientific Board