DDI Alliance / CODATA Training Webinar Series Continues

"Data Integration: Using DDI-CDI with Other Standards" -- the third webinar of the DDI Alliance / CODATA Training Webinar series -- will take place on 2 September 2021 at 14:00 UTC.  

A developing product of the DDI Alliance, DDI - Cross Domain Integration (DDI-CDI) is intended to fill the emerging need for integration of data from different disciplinary domains. It is designed to connect disparate forms of data and metadata, whether they are described in DDI Codebook/Lifecycle or in any other fashion.  

This webinar will provide a general introduction to the specification using cross-domain data integration examples and showing how DDI-CDI, in combination with other standards, can facilitate the integration of disparate data. The automated aspects of FAIR data reuse across different sources will be demonstrated, based on the granular description provided by DDI-CDI working in combination with existing metadata.

Registration: https://codata.org/initiatives/working-groups/ddi-training-webinars/6530-2/

For information about upcoming Webinars in the series, please see: https://codata.org/initiatives/working-groups/ddi-training-webinars/