Call for Papers: European DDI Conference (26-29 November 2023)

EDDI 2023  is organized jointly by the Slovenian Social Science Data Archive (ADP),  GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences and IDSC of IZA - International Data Service Center of the Institute for the Study of Labor. 

It will be hosted by ADP in Ljubljana, Slovenia, from Monday 27 to Wednesday 29  November 2023. Online participation will also be available for those unable to travel.

  • Tutorials and Workshops: Monday 27 November 2023
  • Conference: Tuesday 28 November - Wednesday 29 November 2023
  • Side Meetings: Thursday 30 November - Friday 1 December 2023 

Proposal Submission

We are seeking presentations, talks, papers on all things DDI:

  • Case Studies
  • Mature implementations
  • Early Implementations
  • Interplay of DDI with other standards or technologies
  • Projects in early phases in which DDI is under consideration
  • Critiques of DDI

Submission Deadline: 4 September 2023

Details of how to submit a proposal are at:

Diversity Scholarship

This year, EDDI is able offer a diversity scholarship as we aim to increase the diversity within the conference, especially among the speakers. The program is open to any underrepresented group within the EDDI community. Further details are at:


Jon Johnson & Mari Kleemola
EDDI 2023 co-chairs