Agenda for the January 27, 2022 Scientific Community meeting

The DDI Scientific Board is organizing a virtual meeting of the DDI Scientific Community January 27, 2022 from 14:00-16:00 UTC.   Anyone interested in the scientific activities of the DDI Alliance is welcome to join.  The Scientific Community comprises the scientific representatives, technical contacts, and other representatives within the Alliance -- those identified as fulfilling the scientific and technical roles.  
Please register in advance for this meeting:  After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
The Scientific Board recently set the meeting agenda, which includes:  
Scientific Community Meeting Agenda
1) Intro - Ingo Barkow
  • Welcome and purpose of the meeting.  
  • Introduction to the Scientific Board and the Working Groups and their work in relation to the Scientific Plan  

2) Topics for introduction and discussion

  • DDI URN resolution and the work of the URN Resolution Temporary Working Group
    • Ignition talk - Carsten Thiel
    • Discussion
  • Mapping between specifications
    • Mapping between DDI specifications
      • Ignition talk - Arofan Gregory
      • Discussion
    • Cross-specification mappings and implementation guidelines  
      • Ignition talk - Arofan Gregory
      • Discussion

3) Outro - Hilde Orten

  • Feedback from participants on this type of community meeting. frequency of meetings.
  • Ideas for topics for forthcoming meetings from participants
  • Any other business
We look forward to seeing many of you at the Scientific Community meeting!