Using DDI and GSBPM Together at the US Bureau of Labor Statistics

TitleUsing DDI and GSBPM Together at the US Bureau of Labor Statistics
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsGillman D
Conference NameModernStats World Workshop 2018
Date Published04/2018
PublisherUNECE Conference of European Statisticians
Conference LocationGeneva, Switzerland

The US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) is using the Data Documentation Initiative Lifecycle (DDI 3.2) standard to document the Consumer Expenditure Surveys (CEX) program throughout the survey lifecycle. The needs include showing similarities and differences within 2 surveys, over time, in the course of processing, and across information requirements. The GSBPM was modified to describe the phases and processes associated with BLS programs in the language BLS typically uses. The so-called BLS-BPM is used to classify production systems and software projects, and it is applied to the development of design patterns for streamlining software development and database design. BLS maintains separate staffs between subject matter and IT for each program. There is no common management between them. In the case of the CEX metadata project, the need for maintaining links between the survey documentation of survey processing and IT development and maintenance of software necessitates the use of BLS-BPM to tie them together. For the source code associated with each part of the process is part of the documentation for that process. This paper addresses the ideas expressed above in more detail.