Seeking DDI Alliance funding requests for the upcoming fiscal year (July 2024-June 2025)

Dear DDI community,

Each year, the DDI Executive Board solicits funding requests to support DDI activities.  Past funding has supported meetings, workshops, training, and tools development, among other activities.

With the next fiscal year (FY2025, July 2024 through June 2025) on the horizon, we are announcing another opportunity to submit funding requests to support DDI activities.  Requests are due by April 22, 2024 and should explain the purpose of the request, how it aligns with the Alliance's Strategic Plan, and include an itemized budget for the funding request.  (More details about annual budget funding requests are here:  

DDI Alliance membership dues fund these requests and the Executive Board prioritizes requests that align with strategic priorities.  We strive to maintain a balanced budget and fund requests in proportion to membership revenue, although we are open to funding high-value proposals that exceed the annual budget.  To reduce costs, we also encourage funding requests that do not require travel or are located alongside existing meetings or conferences that members are already planning to attend.

Funding requests may be sent to  

DDI Executive Board