A tour of the DDI: The Data Documentation Initiativ

TitleA tour of the DDI: The Data Documentation Initiativ
Publication TypePresentation
Year of Publication2009
AuthorsGreen A

The Data Documentation Initiative (DDI) is an international effort to establish an XML-based metadata standard for datasets in the social and behavioral sciences. Ann will describe the evolution of the DDI, DDI 3.0's digital life cycle orientation, and tools and applications for DDI. Ann Green is an independent research consultant focusing upon the digital life cycle of scholarly resources, including their creation, delivery, management, long-term stewardship, and preservation. She has an extensive background in digital archiving and user-driven support services in the social sciences. Ann has participated in the development and promotion of standards for social science statistical metadata and digital preservation. Current projects include program evaluation of digital archives and related services, as well as 'cradle to archive' planning for digital collections.
