call for DDI Scientific Board Vice-Chair nominations

The DDI Alliance is seeking nominations for the position of Vice-Chair of the Scientific Board.  The Vice-Chair works directly with the Scientific Board Chair (Joachim Wackerow).  The Scientific Board is responsible for the scientific and technical work in developing the DDI specification.  
According to the DDI Alliance Bylaws (Section VII subsection B-6), "Members of the Scientific Board shall elect a Chair and Vice-Chair from among themselves for a term of three years. The Chair and Vice-Chair are eligible for reelection". Each member organisation is permitted one vote. 
If you would like to make a nomination for the Vice-Chair of the DDI Scientific Board, please contact
You can nominate any eligible Designated Representative of the Scientific Board, including yourself. Please submit your nominations by November 26th, 2018.  The Scientific Board will then hold an election for this position based on the nominations.