Harzemli, the DDI Based Statistical Production Platform

TitleHarzemli, the DDI Based Statistical Production Platform
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2015
Conference NameWorkshop on the Modernisation of Statistical Production meeting
Date Published04/2015
PublisherUNECE Conference of European Statisticians
Conference LocationGeneva, Switzerland

This paper presents the recently developed, stunning statistics production platform, namely Harzemli,  of Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat) that has been designed to generate a standardized approach to statistics production with an increased level of quality and decreased workload.  This paper is within the context of Enterprise Architecture and its role in the Modernization of Statistical Production.  Harzemli is an application platform that mainly depends on DDI and rule XML files. The main concept behind Harzemli Platform is the standardization and modernization of the statistics production process through the usage of DDI files and rule XMLs in generating generic pages for the surveys, analyzing the collected data and dissemination of the data. Harzemli Platform automatically creates data entry applications from metadata. This platform has been created to standardize all statistical IT processes with respect to metadata. Metadata is actively used in production, analysis and data mining and dissemination phases of GSBPM model. Currently, in TurkStat, 83 out of a total of 92 surveys are being performed on this platform. 
