Two Workshops to be Held at Schloss-Dagstuhl - Leibniz Center for Informatics

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Two weeks of workshops will begin on October 17th, to be held at Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz Center for Informatics. 

The first week (Oct. 17-21) will focus on interoperability between DDI and other metadata standards. The workshop will bring together representatives from the following metadata standards: World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and RDF community, Statistical Data and Metadata eXchange (SDMX), Research Data Alliance (RDA), Generic Statistical Information Model (GSIM), health standards, DDI, and other related standards. The meeting will focus on the review of the current DDI work, discuss how best to work collaboratively, how to be aware of each standard’s developments, and to investigate opportunities for developing joint projects. To read more about the first workshop, please follow this link.

The second week (Oct. 24-28) continues the development work of the model-based specification of DDI (DDI Version 4). The focus of this ‘sprint’ is spread across four main areas: Documentation, expansion of data capture and description, controlled vocabularies, and funding opportunities. To read more about the second workshop, please follow this link.

DDI has a strong relationship to the internationally renowned informatics center in Germany, Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz Institute for Informatics, Wadern. Since 2007, seventeen DDI development and training workshops have been held in this extraordinary venue.