DDI Codebook 2.1

Published: 2006-03-26

XML Schema (namespace) https://ddialliance.org/Specification/DDI-Codebook/2.1/XMLSchema/Version2-1.xsd
XML DTD (download)  



DDI Codebook was the first version of the DDI to be published (Version 1 was released in 2000). DDI 2.0 was released in 2003, with Version 2.1 following two years later. 
The canonical expression of DDI 1.* through 2.1 is a Document Type Definition (DTD), although XML Schema versions have been created. The DTD can be converted to a schema using XML software, but the DTD should be used as the authoritative source for instance creation and validation. 


Documentation of a simple study. Basic descriptive content for variables, files, source material, and study level information. Supports discovery, preservation, and the informed use of data. Primarily designed for documenting single studies in an archive.

Informational Documents

DDI Tag Library
DDI Lite recommended elements

Markup Examples

A listing of available examples of DDI Codebook Version 2.1 instances


Copyright @ DDI Alliance

Development Work

DDI Codebook was the first version of the DDI to be published (Version 1 was released in 2000). DDI 2.0 was released in 2003, with Version 2.1 following two years later. Version 2.* added coverage of aggregate data and geography
The canonical expression of DDI 1.* through 2.1 is a Document Type Definition (DTD), although XML Schema versions have been created.The DTD can be converted to a schema using XML software, but the DTD should be used as the authoritative source for instance creation and validation.
MODIFICATIONS made by Sanda Ionescu, ICPSR (Univ. of Michigan) and Mark Diggory (Harvard University) 6/16/2005, to implement Nested Categories proposal.
  • added 4.3.25 Category Level (catLevel)
  • attributes catgry and level added to 4.3.18 Category (catgry) element
  • moved Variable notes to 4.3.26 (notes)
Version History

Future Work;

A new version in the DDI Codebook line -- 2.5 -- was published on January 29, 2014. This version is an XML Schema. It incorporates new substantive elements requested by the community and is designed to make it easier to migrate documents to DDI Lifecycle for those interested in doing so.
The Technical Committee manages the continued development of DDI Codebook to meeting the needs of the community.