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DDI Version 2.0 provided a major expansion of data description to provide study level information on geographic coverage by providing a Geographic Bounding Box and Bounding Polygon. These support spatial searches by specifying coverage in terms of coordinate points. Version 2.0 also provides the means of describing tabular data as commonly published by statistical agencies to provide summary data for geographic areas, for example U.S. Census Summary Files. The nCube structure added to data description defines the dimensions of the table using variables as well as overall information on the title, concept, measure, and universe of the table (such as AGE by SEX by EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT. The geographic area for which the data is expressed is described through one or more variables. A Location Map has been added to the file description that allows linking the physical location of a data item in a standard record file to the definition of the content by specifying the matrix coordinate address of the cell within the specified nCube (table).


Documentation of a simple study. Basic descriptive content for variables, files, source material, and study level information. Supports discovery, preservation, and the informed use of data. Descriptive content for common summary data published by statistical agencies to distribute data aggregated to specific geographic locations. The structure is designed to allow the user to understand the original structure of the table, pull the data for each cell, and deliver in any variety of layouts. Originally published as an XML DTD Version 2.0 has since been provided as an XML Schema.


  • Changes between Version 1.0 and Version 2.0
  • Changes between Version 1.2.2 (NESSTAR) and Version 2.0