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Structured, descriptive documentation of the content, meaning, provenance, and access for a single data set. Originally developed as an XML DTD, Codebook retains the hierarchical structure of a DTD in describing the contents of a descriptive codebook for a data set including identification, authorship, ownership, purpose, background methodologies, source information, provenance, quality control, access, physical file structures, variables/variable groupings, and related materials. Extensive information is found within the variable description covering the data source, derivation activity, representation, data typing, variable role, and restrictions.

Supports Activities

  • Descriptive documentation of the content, meaning, provenance, and access for a single data set
  • Archival preservation of descriptive content
  • Input basis for more complex descriptions
  • Input content for discovery and exchange of data at the study, data file, variable, and question level
  • Input content for a structured human-readable codebook for the data set as a whole
  • Populate variable and question banks to explore available data and question structures for reuse in new surveys